Hi all,
enabling many warnings inside eclipse 4.3sr2 I see some warnings, some
of them are false positive, but for others could be good to take a
Then, I'll update eclipse installation to eclipse 4.4 before the end
of the month (should be released 25 June), and see what happens
enabling many warnings there ... even to start play with an updated
JDK 8 and Pivot.

Note that some of them, like: Unnecessary @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
are there to avoid generating warnings during ant builds ... so it
would be better to keep them.

In trunk we could even migrate some blocks to the resource management
way of Java 7, ok ?

Anyway these are some warnings:
Potential resource leak: 'baseFile' may not be closed    on
VFSBrowser.java , VFSBrowserSheet.java , TerraVFSBrowserSkin.java ,
TerraVFSBrowserSheetSkin.java , etc ...
Someone tried to analyze real applications using them for example with
eclipse Memory Analyzing Tool (MAT) or other toool ? Roger, what do
you think ?

And then others (sample), secondary :
The allocated object is never used    on ColorSchemeBuilderWindow.java
, FakeWindowSkin.java ,  TerraFrameSkin.java , etc ... I'll try to
take a look on them.

What do you think ?


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