Ciao Roger,

>     I was wondering about the files being closed, and did some profiling on
> the code... It turns out that the VFS system closes things itself later on,
> so I don't think those are a (real) problem.  It is also unclear when
> exactly you would close the "baseFile" object.... I guess when you close the
> browser, but .... Anyway, I don't think it is a real issue.
ok, good ... could you add some suppress-warnings annotation (if you
think it worth the case) ?

> But, I will do
> some checking in our code (since I'm using it a lot now).  I actually think
> the same "errors" would be in the regular file browsers as well (since I
> copied them to make the VFS code).  But, if not, then maybe there is
> something I missed in the translation.
could be even in original code ...

>     Yes, I think we should do some try-with-resources from Java 7 in "trunk"
> -- I already started doing this (I think), so .... go for it!
great !!

>     The secondary ones .... I think whatever real cleanup of unused
> variables, etc. would be great.  (Would also like to add Javadoc -- which we
> don't have a lot of).
ok, I'll try to do some cleanup (and in case some problem should
happen, tell me) :-) ...

>     Thanks for checking on this.
Thanks to you for th ehelp.

Stay well.

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