
for the sake of completeness I am bringing aggregated feedback I also added on 
the pull request here, so it’s archived.

I would probably remove the TODO items from the code, as I think these should 
rather be discussions on the list and/or Jira issues and we shouldn’t be having 
discussions in the code (just my opinion)

  *   Using UUID for equality checks: I would hesitate using these, as 
generating a UUID consumes a lot of CPU power and each UUID might consume more 
memory than the objects payload.
  *   Cleanup of the request map in the S7Protocol (and others): I absolutely 
agree on this. This was one of the things I knew we will be needing but was 
hesitant to start working on this, as I didn’t have an idea on how to do this 
Netty-style. Fortunately when looking into the Enthernet/IP drivers internals, 
the author there is doing exactly this sort of thing: 
 (Have a look at the “pending” and “timeouts” properties).
  *   Making the items immutable … I agree :-)

But as I mentioned, this is just my opinion.


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