As we are proposing a breaking change, I would suggest to prepare a vote thread 
... we definitely need to practice stuff like this here ;-)

I know the user-base is still quite limited (I would be more than happy to hear 
it's not), so I guess we would not be making too many people mad.


Am 03.08.18, 14:47 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <>:





    indeed you are right with the redundancy but I also think that it makes 
thinks simpler and more robust.


    When we speak about TIA programming we usually refer to archaic programming 
; )




    Are there any other opinions of the community to this topic?


    Otherwise I would suggest that someone prepares a demonstrator for this 
feature to play around a bit (we could do that, I guess).








    Am 03.08.18, 14:15 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <>:




        Hi Julian,








        I just double checked and created some more variables. Seems you are 
correct and the naming in the address only refers to the size of the 
data-element referenced.




        So both a DINT and a REAL consume 4 bytes in memory and therefore both 
are called something DBW2 ... wonder where TIA gets the types, probably because 
it's so "totally integrated" ;-)








        Adding more information, like you suggested, does add some sort of 
redundancy as REAL at the end implies the DBD prefix, but I think for the sake 
of simplicity it's still good to do that.




        But in that case, I would also add the BOOL to the Boolean value.








        By the way ... found this:




        German, but still helpful as even non-German speakers will know how to 
read it.
















        Am 03.08.18, 13:47 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 








            Hey Chris,
















            this is an excellent idea and will make it a lot easier to 
translate TIA programs to Plc4X code as it makes this really copy and paste 
(and of course we know Hurz).








            We also had a look into TIA and it seems that the D stands for 
Double Word (i.e. 4 Bytes) and the B for single Byte.








            Thus, we think that this "only" covers the complete address, i.e., 
offset + length.
















            So this should additionally be combined (in my opinion) with the 
type information, e.g. using a string like that:








            HurzBoolean (Bool): %DB3.DBX0.0








            HurzInteger (Int):  %DB3.DBW2:INT








            HurzReal (Real)             %DB3.DBD4:REAL








            HurzByte (Byte)             %DB3.DBB8:BYTE
















            Where we have a mapping table (as in my original suggestion but 
only without the bit width) which indicates if it is








            * integer / decimal








            * signed / unsigned 








            * ... ?
















            Of course we can keep the possibility to omit the type information 
and inject some sensible defaults based on the given Class<?>, basically the 
same behavior as we currently have.
















            What do you all think of this approach?








































            @chris I think you misunderstood my last mail slightly, the number 
in the address string was meant to encapsulate the bit width of the datatype 
not the Items size parameter. This should definitely stay where it is and stay 
orthogonal to addressing.
















            Am 03.08.18, 11:39 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
















                Hi Julian,
































                you bring up something I was thinking about quite some time ago 
but didn't address till now as it was one of the things we could "do later"(TM) 
















                I started off writing the S7 as the first driver for PLC4X and 
didn't want to use complicated syntax I could see in TIA for example. So I 
decided to use this simpler "AREA/STARTING_ADDRESS[.BIT_OFFSET]" format. 
































                Thinking of it later however made me realize that this might 
not have been such a good idea. 
































                The thing is that TIA is the only place where S7 programs are 
written. So why not use exactly this format for defining the addresses? 
































                And this format contains type information.
































                I created a data-block for example with different types (Ignore 
the "Hurz"... it has absolutely no meaning for people that don't know that 
famous sketch of Hape Kerkeling): 
































                HurzBoolean (Bool):     %DB3.DBX0.0
















                HurzInteger (Int):      %DB3.DBW2
















                HurzReal (Real)         %DB3.DBD4
















                HurzByte (Byte)         %DB3.DBB8
































                In this case: X seems to imply Boolean, W (word) two bytes, D 
implies Real (Double) and B implies Byte.
















                When using digital inputs (%I0.1) and outputs (%M0.3) or analog 
inputs (%IW64) we would have to implement how to interpret these types (Knowing 
a I without a W is a Boolean and an IW is an UInt (4 bytes)
















                So it seems that we could change the format to this and would 
have as a bonus, that we could read the lists a electro engineer gives us.
















































                However we would still have to extend the Address items for S7 
to contain the PLC type, which I think is a cool solution. 
































                I would leave the API unchanged. Providing the Java result-type 
and the number of items. I could imagine a lot of places where the number of 
items is a variable and serializing this to a string and parsing that back 
again seems not that ideal. This way we could do a check to see if the 
requested return type is compatible with the address type and implement the 
































                What do you think?
















































































                Am 02.08.18, 21:36 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 
































                    Hi Chris,
































































                    an additional flag in the items was also my first idea, but 
after thinking about it a bit I dislike it.
































                    First, because it "breaks" the encapsulation we currently 
have between "Java" Information (Class<?>) and Plc Information (Address) and 
second between it is not very scalable when we come up with other "traits" of 
the byte representation (e.g., Endianness).
































































                    As I really like this "you only need a suitable String to 
address the PLC and the Driver will work it out at runtime" approach which 
really eases applications as you only need one config string from file or DB or 
so this is another drawback for the "additional flag" approach.
































































                    What I would prefer currently is to encode this Information 
in the Address which is already the only point which is PLC Specific.
































                    My idea is to add an (optional) postfix to the address 
which allows to pass informations about the storage representation of Data, 
































                    - width
































                    - Traits like
































                        - unsigned
































                        - decimal
































                        - endianness
































                        - ...
































                    An example would be
































































                    To Address an unsigned Byte at Offset zero.
































































                    To make it even easier to users we could provide Plc 
specific enums like the MemoryArea enum where "typical" types can be predefined 
that are also allowed as postfix.
































                    Then, the Adress could become
































































































                    This would lead to a good level of encapsulation as I could 
go to my S7 programmer and ask him to give me this string for all values I'm 
interested in and its totally in his "ubiquitous language" (yay, DDD trending).
































































                    The enum would be something like this (S7 case):
































                    public enum S7NativeRepresentations {
































































































































































































































































                            REAL(new Representation(32, 
































                            LREAL(new Representation(64, 
































































                            private Representation representation;
































































representation) {
































                                this.representation = representation;
































































































































                    Where the Representation class and the Trait enum are 
"Global" for all PLCs and are only interpreted at runtime for the casting by 
each PLC.
































                    This would allow a general handling of the "representation" 
and address suffixes but with the additional flexibility of Plc type specific 
































































                    As I currently see a lot of advantages with this approach 
its up to you to find the drawbacks : )
































































                    What do all of you think of this Idea?
































































































































                    PS.: With this information given we could give users also 
the flexibility to request the Java Type they need and could take care of 
widening / narrowing or conversion internally.
































































                    Am 02.08.18, 19:04 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
































































                        Hi Julian,
































































                        I do get your point and do agree that there could be 
































































                        Just an idea ... How about an optional field "signed" 
in the items which defaults to false?
































































                        It seems handling the signed and unsignedness of an 
item simply by the type could be a bad idea, the more I think of it.
































































                        We should also clearly define and document the expected 
types and their sizes and use the same for all drivers.
































































                        What do you all think about this?
































































































































                        Outlook for Android<> herunterladen
































































































































                        Von: Julian Feinauer
































                        Gesendet: Donnerstag, 2. August, 17:14
































                        Betreff: Re: Handling of signed / unsigned values
































































































































                        Hi Chris, I think we have both different approaches and 
views. I totally agree with you that it should be as straight forward and easy 
for users of the API to use Plc4x. But, as far as my understanding goes, we are 
missing some information which we need for the user. The following example is 
with regard to S7. Assume we have a datablock with two values in it (and 
nothing more), one int (as S7 int -> 2 bytes) and one unsigned int (again 2 
bytes), i.e., ------------- | int | uint | ------------- We usually get TIA 
programs and then write our java application (or configuration) to read values 
from the device. So, if I am not carefully I see Int and do: 
PlcReadRequest(Integer.class, ".../0") PlcReadRequest(Integer.class, ".../2") 
Which would lead to one wrong result (as the Integer is casted from 4 bytes) 
and one Exception (Unknown Memory, I think, as we cross the DB boundary because 
we try to read 4 bytes from offset 2). Then, I see my failure and take Javas 
Short: PlcReadRequest(Short.class, ".../0") PlcReadRequest(Short.class, 
".../2") So no exception here. But I get one correct value (first one) and one 
wrong one (the cast to short assumes a signed representation). From a java 
perspective I should do PlcReadRequest(Short.class, ".../0") 
PlcReadRequest(Integer.class, ".../2") Because the second unsigned int (S7 
UINT) is greater than java Short, but fits perfetctly in Javas Integer. But of 
couse, this would give again an exception. From my perspective, the point 
missing here is some sort of Shema which helps PLC4J to know the datatype in 
the PLC behind the scenes and takes care of all the narrowing or widening (or 
even conversion between integer and float types) in the background for me (in 
fact we could possibly return valid results for all 3 examples if the UINT is 
small enough, otherwise only the second example would fail). So my question 
about signed and unsigned is less about representation bot more about how we 
tell the S7Protocoll how to cast the respective byte array that is returned 
from the Plc. I hope this makes my question more clear. Julian Am 02.08.18, 
11:33 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" : Hi Julian, regarding your question. As far as 
I have encountered, PLCs mostly transfer unsigned values and Java usually uses 
signed values ... this could generally cause problems. Fortunately as far as I 
know the size of the Java types is usually way bigger than the one of the PLC 
types. In case of the Int: The Siemens S7 Int datatypes is two bytes and the 
Java Integer is a 32 bit integer, therefore we don't have to confuse our users 
with any type problems. If however a PLC would use 32 bit integers we would be 
having problems. In this case we would have to use the next smaller datatype 
that fits our requested datatype. So in this case reading a "Java Integer" 
would read a "PLC Short". I wouldn't like to have the user have to think of the 
PLC datatypes when writing his code. Chris Am 02.08.18, 11:17 schrieb "Julian 
Feinauer" : Hey all, again me with another question : ) I started going through 
some examples on our PLC and came to a situation where we use signed and 
unsigned values in the PLC. This goes kind of back to my type system question. 
How could I tell the Reader to read me an Unsigned Int from a S7 (Usigned Int 
refers in this case to a two byte value on the PLC but return type had to be 
Int in Java). Is there some mechanism in Place to be able to do such a Thing? 
Or if not, do you have any ideas already in mind how one could introduce this 
(technically it's clear but how to give the information that we want our 
expected int to be read and interpreted as 2 byte unsigned)? Best Julian






























































































































































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