
> And for the private Repo... It also felt wrong for me to write this. And 
> strictly speaking its not a PLC4X Paper but a Paper which "talks about" 
> PLC4X. The main reason for the private repo are license concerns as the 
> authors usually have to hand over several rights to the Publisher which would 
> not be possible in case of the Apache License. You don’t have to like that 
> but that’s how it works.

If that the case it very unlikely it could even be used in an Apache project, 
so I can’t see how there could be a future discussion or vote on which approach 
is better if it doesn’t have a comparable license. Unless that it, the  
publisher agreed to relicenses it.

BTW this is not impossible one of the most draconian contract I ever signed was 
with a publisher, but I still managed to get them to agree to make all of the 
code available under an Apache license, otherwise no one would be able to use 
for anything useful until 70 years after my death.


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