Update regarding Codecov improvements for apache/pulsar CI:
- fixed issue with Jacoco coverage data not getting stored in files:
This seemed to be a broader issues since the reported total code coverage 
increased to about 72.8% with this fix, example 
https://app.codecov.io/gh/apache/pulsar/pull/19947/tree .

There's a workaround for Codecov upload issue in progress. More details in the 
https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/19952#issuecomment-1487997039 .
This is waiting for ASF Infra to resolve 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-24399 .

After this, I believe that Codecov will be reasonably stable in our CI. Actions 
will be needed for individuals for adding a Codecov upload token for builds in 
personal forks. I'll add instructions for that while resolving #19952.


On 2023/03/24 09:51:51 Lari Hotari wrote:
> Thanks for sharing the pain. That's the first step in improving something 
> that is painful.
> For the flaky tests GitHub Actions workflow pulsar-ci-flaky.yaml, the Codecov 
> upload should be a separate job in the workflow so that the upload could be 
> retried separately without running all tests. This type of approach is 
> already used in the main GitHub Actions workflow, "Pulsar CI".
> Contributions are welcome!
> We could also consider disabling codecov for pull request builds until 
> someone who cares about test code coverage metrics picks up the work. 
> Code coverage is the first metric that most will ask about tests. It's not 
> the only metric that matter, but it is something that helps understand what 
> parts of the code isn't even run in our tests. It will also help plan 
> improvements to tests.
> Codecov upload fails very frequently with errors such as 
> https://github.com/codecov/codecov-action/issues/837 and 
> https://github.com/codecov/codecov-action/issues/598
> One possible resolution is 
> https://community.codecov.com/t/upload-issues-unable-to-locate-build-via-github-actions-api/3954
>  .
> It's possible to make the codecov upload more stable by providing a token. 
> This should be done for the master branch build so that the baseline code 
> coverage metrics would succeed. For pull requests, the solution is to make 
> the codecov upload retryable also in pulsar-ci-flaky.yaml. In addition, it 
> could be made optional for builds in own forks.
> We should find a way as a development community to get code coverage metrics 
> solution working. It is valuable even if an individual developer doesn't care 
> about it at the moment.
> We need more Pulsar contributors to stand up that care about the quality 
> aspects of our code base. Any volunteers?
> -Lari
> On 2023/03/21 10:50:17 tison wrote:
> > For example
> > https://github.com/apache/pulsar/actions/runs/4454158774/jobs/7867745340?pr=19842
> > 
> > I'm wondering if anyone cares about the report and if it helps you during
> > the coding or reviewing process? Now it generates a few of noise but I just
> > omit the report it gives ;-)
> > 
> > For the issue itself, it seems some artifacts don't retain properly.
> > 
> > Best,
> > tison.
> > 

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