Bumping this up. Would really like to discuss this in the community.


On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 11:49 PM Girish Sharma <scrapmachi...@gmail.com>

> Hi everyone, I am trying to understand the failover subscription logic a
> bit more in detail. Specifically, the doc
> <https://pulsar.apache.org/docs/3.0.x/concepts-messaging/#failover>mention
> this part for partitioned topic:
> * If the number of partitions in a partitioned topic is less than the
> number of consumers:For example, in the diagram below, this partitioned
> topic has 2 partitions and there are 4 consumers.Each partition has 1
> active consumer and 1 stand-by consumer.*
>    - *For p0, consumer A is the master consumer, while consumer B would
>    be the next consumer in line to receive messages if consumer A is
>    disconnected.*
>    - *For p1, consumer C is the master consumer, while consumer D would
>    be the next consumer in line to receive messages if consumer C is
>    disconnected*.
> So, as per this, since all four (A,B,C,D) consumers make connection to
> both partitions p0 and p1, the consumers array size in
> AbstractDispatcherSingleActiveConsumer should be 4. Now based on the
> consumer index choosing logic spanning lines 126 - 130
> <https://github.com/apache/pulsar/blob/master/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/service/AbstractDispatcherSingleActiveConsumer.java#L126-L130>
> , the consumer index assigned to p0 should be 0 (i.e. A) and to p1 should
> be 1 (i.e. B) . I am assuming here that all 4 consumers have the same
> priority.Now consider consumer B getting disconnected. remaining consumer
> array == (A,C,D) . In this case, p1 will get a new consumer using logic 1
> % 3 = 1 index i.e. consumer C now. p0's consumer would remain same i.e. 0
> % 3 = 0 i.e. A.
> Now next consider that consumer A also goes down. remaining consumer array
> == (C,D) In this case, p0 will get a new consumer -> 0%2 = 0 i.e.
> consumer C and p1 would now be shifted to 1%2 = 1 Consumer D . Even
> though p1's active consumer was untouched, p1 got a consumer shift.So I
> have couple of questions -
>    - Am I missing something? Is my understanding of logic correct?
>    - If yes, why does the doc say what it says? And why change p1's
>    consumer uselessly in above example
> Regards
> --
> Girish Sharma

Girish Sharma

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