I have written a long blog post that contains the context, the summary
of my view point about PIP-310 and the proposal for proceeding:

Let's discuss this tomorrow in the Pulsar community meeting [1]. Let's
coordinate on Pulsar Slack's #dev channel if the are issues in joining
the meeting.
See you tomorrow!


1 - https://github.com/apache/pulsar/wiki/Community-Meetings

On Mon, 20 Nov 2023 at 20:48, Lari Hotari <lhot...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Girish,
> replies inline and after that there are some updates about my
> preparation for the community meeting on Thursday. (there's
> https://github.com/lhotari/async-tokenbucket with a PoC for a
> low-level high performance token bucket implementation)
> On Sat, 11 Nov 2023 at 17:25, Girish Sharma <scrapmachi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Actually, the capacity is meant to simulate that particular rate limit. if
> > we have 2 buckets anyways, the one managing the fixed rate limit part
> > shouldn't generally have a capacity more than the fixed rate, right?
> There are multiple ways to model and understand a dual token bucket
> implementation.
> I view the 2 buckets in a dual token bucket implementation as separate
> buckets. They are like an AND rule, so if either bucket is empty,
> there will be a need to pause to wait for new tokens.
> Since we aren't working with code yet, these comments could be out of context.
> > I think it can be done, especially with that one thing you mentioned about
> > holding off filling the second bucket for 10 minutes.. but it does become
> > quite complicated in terms of managing the flow of the tokens.. because
> > while we only fill the second bucket once every 10 minutes, after the 10th
> > minute, it needs to be filled continuously for a while (the duration we
> > want to support the bursting for).. and the capacity of this second bucket
> > also is governed by and exactly matches the burst value.
> There might not be a need for this complexity of the "filling bucket"
> in the first place. It was more of a demonstration that it's possible
> to implement the desired behavior of limited bursting by tweaking the
> basic token bucket algorithm slightly.
> I'd rather avoid this additional complexity.
> > Agreed that it is much higher than a single topics' max throughput.. but
> > the context of my example had multiple topics lying on the same
> > broker/bookie ensemble bursting together at the same time because they had
> > been saving up on tokens in the bucket.
> Yes, that makes sense.
> > always be a need to overprovision resources. You usually don't want to
> > > go beyond 60% or 70% utilization on disk, cpu or network resources so
> > > that queues in the system don't start to increase and impacting
> > > latencies. In Pulsar/Bookkeeper, the storage solution has a very
> > > effective load balancing, especially for writing. In Bookkeeper each
> > > ledger (the segment) of a topic selects the "ensemble" and the "write
> > > quorum", the set of bookies to write to, when the ledger is opened.
> > > The bookkeeper client could also change the ensemble in the middle of
> > > a ledger due to some event like a bookie becoming read-only or
> > >
> >
> > While it does do that on complete failure of bookie or a bookie disk, or
> > broker going down, degradations aren't handled this well. So if all topics
> > in a bookie are bursting due to the fact that they had accumulated tokens,
> > then all it will lead to is breach of write latency SLA because at one
> > point, the disks/cpu/network etc will start choking. (even after
> > considering the 70% utilization i.e. 30% buffer)
> Yes.
> > That's only in the case of the default rate limiter where the tryAcquire
> > isn't even implemented.. since the default rate limiter checks for breach
> > only at a fixed rate rather than before every produce call. But in case of
> > precise rate limiter, the response of `tryAcquire` is respected.
> This is one of many reasons why I think it's better to improve the
> maintainability of the current solution and remove the unnecessary
> options between "precise" and the default one.
> > True, and actually, due to the fact that pulsar auto distributes topics
> > based on load shedding parameters, we can actually focus on a single
> > broker's or a single bookie ensemble and assume that it works as we scale
> > it. Of course this means that putting a reasonable limit in terms of
> > cpu/network/partition/throughput limits at each broker level and pulsar
> > provides ways to do that automatically.
> We do have plans to improve the Pulsar so that things would simply
> work properly under heavy load. Optimally, things would work without
> the need to tune and tweak the system rigorously. These improvements
> go beyond rate limiting.
> > While I have shared the core requirements over these threads (fixed rate +
> > burst multiplier for upto X duration every Y minutes).. We are finalizing
> > the details requirements internally to present. As I replied in my previous
> > mail, one outcome of detailed internal discussion was the discovery of
> > throughput contention.
> Sounds good. Sharing your experiences is extremely valuable.
> > We do use resource groups for certain namespace level quotas, but even in
> > our use case, rate limiter and resource groups are two separate tangents.
> > At least for foreseeable future.
> At this point they are separate, but there is a need to improve. Jack
> Vanlightly's blog post series "The Architecture Of Serverless Data
> Systems" [1] explains the competition in this area very well.
> Multi-tenant capacity management and SLAs are at the core of
> "serverless" data systems.
> 1 - 
> https://jack-vanlightly.com/blog/2023/11/14/the-architecture-of-serverless-data-systems
> > Will close this before the 23rd.
> Yes. :)
> > This is actually not a resource group limitation, but a general broker
> > level example. Even if resource groups weren't in picture, this issue
> > remains. The fact remains that since we need to have reasonable broker
> > level limits (as a result of our NFR testing etc), there will be clash of
> > topics where some topics trying to burst are taking up broker's capacity of
> > serving the fixed rate for other topics. This needs special handling even
> > after dual token approach. I will have detailed requirement with examples
> > by 23rd.
> Sounds good.
> > > That is the one of the reasons for putting a strict check on the amount,
> > > > duration and frequency of bursting.
> > >
> > > Please explain more about this. It would be helpful for me in trying
> > > to understand your requirements.
> > > One question about the solution of "strict check on amount, duration
> > > and frequency of bursting".
> > > Do you already have a PoC where you have validated that the solution
> > > actually solves the problem?
> > >
> >
> > No, this is still theoretical based on our understanding of rate limiter,
> > dual tokens, current pulsar code, etc. If topics are allowed to burst
> > without a real duration based limitation, then the chances of more and more
> > topics contending for broker's actual capacity is high and thus it
> > hinders/contents with (a) a new topics trying to burst and make use of the
> > bursting feature with its SLA and (b) another topics , not bursting, way
> > within its fixed rate, still being rate limited due to lack of capacity
> > (which is taken up by bursting topics) at a broker level.
> There are more factors involved in the bursting behavior and the
> applying back pressure in Pulsar.
> If there's proper end-to-end flow control and backpressure, a possible
> "over commitment" situation could be handled by simply handling the
> load as fast as possible. The bursting rates aren't necessarily part
> of strict SLAs so it's possible that even SLAs are met while operating
> as-fast-as possible.  When the Pulsar load balancing is improved, the
> Pulsar load manager could move load off an overloaded broker and that
> would help resolve the situation quicker.
> Later on, the SLAs should become part of the rate limiting and
> capacity/load management decisions within Pulsar. For example, not all
> topics need very low latency. When there's information about the
> expected latency information, it would be possible to priority and
> optimize the work load in different ways.
> When things are properly configured, the Pulsar system shouldn't get
> into a state where the system collapses when it gets overloaded. If
> brokers crash because of out-of-memory errors, the whole system will
> quickly collapse, since recovering from a broker crash will increase
> the overall load.
> I have doubts that focusing solely on a custom rate limiting
> implementation wouldn't be impactful. My current assumption is that
> adding support for bursting to rate limiting will be sufficient for
> making rate limiting good enough for most Pulsar use cases, and we
> could continue to improve rate limiting when there's a specific need.
> I'll be happy to be proven to be wrong and change my opinion when
> there's sufficient evidence that custom rate limiters are needed in
> Pulsar.
> > > Could you simply write a PoC by forking apache/pulsar and changing the
> > > code directly without having it pluggable initially?
> > >
> > >
> > This would be a last resort :) . At most if things don't go as desired,
> > then we would end up doing this and adding plugging logic in a pulsar fork.
> > From a PoC perspective, we may try it out soon.
> I think it's useful to work with a PoC since it will show the
> practical limits of using rate limiters for handling SLA and capacity
> management issues.
> To start improving the current rate limiter implementation in Pulsar
> core, I have made a PoC of an asynchronous token bucket implementation
> class, which is optimized for performance without causing contention
> in a multi-threaded setup.
> The repository https://github.com/lhotari/async-tokenbucket contains
> the PoC code and performance test that measures the token bucket
> calculation logic overhead.
> On my laptop, it's possible to achieve about 165M ops/s with 100
> threads with a single token bucket. That's to prove that the
> calculation logic isn't blocking and has very low contention.  There's
> no need for a scheduler to maintain the calculations. A scheduler
> would be needed in an actual rate limiter implementation to unblock a
> paused Netty channel by setting auto read to true (in the case where
> backpressure is applied by setting auto read to false). The
> AsyncTokenBucket class is intended to be a pure function without side
> effects. The implementation idea is to use the composition pattern to
> build higher level rate limiter constructs.
> Let's meet on Thursday at the Pulsar community meeting (schedule at
> https://github.com/apache/pulsar/wiki/Community-Meetings) to present
> our summaries and decide on the next steps together.
> -Lari

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