Awwh, shucks. Thanks Rafi - and well done for getting M4 out the door !

Made me smile. I shall endeavour to kep it up for M5 :-)


On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 5:59 PM, Rafael Schloming <>wrote:

> Gordon Sim wrote:
>> Rafael Schloming wrote:
>>> Rafael Schloming wrote:
>>>> Here's the eagerly awaited M4 RC9:
>>>> Please review and vote.
>>> By my count we have 7 +1's and no 0 or -1's, so I'm going to close the
>>> vote and declare RC9 is officially M4. I've copied it into the qpid dist
>>> directory, so hopefully it should show up at 
>>> the next sync.
>> Rafi, thank you very much for all your hard work on getting this through
>> to release! Thanks also to all who took time to try it out (and of course to
>> all those who fixed the issues found).
> You're quite welcome.
> I'd like to add my thanks to all those who helped out, and in particular to
> Marnie whose heroic job of cleaning up JIRA was essential to the release.
> --Rafael
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
> Project:
> Use/Interact:

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