First, I'd like to thank Rafi for getting M4 out. Best Qpid Ever.

Secondly, I'd like to start a bit of discussion about our development
process before we get too deep into M5. These things never go
smoothly, and there's a partial list of things at

I think we need to revist our branch management, we discussed it in
the summer for M3 and decided to release from trunk. Both M3 and M4
ended up with release branches while we polished the bumps out though,
otherwise trunk would have been closed for even longer.

I'm personally more concerned about points 8 and 9 though. The Java
patch review process is clearly a bit hit and miss.

- Aidan
Apache Qpid - World Domination through Advanced Message Queueing

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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