In Python, couldn't the user just import a Connection class and a Session class, and we could design the API so that they get what they need to use those classes automagically? Or is there a pythonic reason to do it this way?

Philosophically, the reason you do it that way in Python is because everything is explicit - that is, you only import the things you actually use, rather than a parent class and everything below it. This might be an artifact of the fact that Python doesn't have any 'private' namespace in its classes; to have a clean interface to the classes you use, you really ought to import only those things you need.

Practically? In my opinion it's not a big deal either way, as I have a skeleton that I use when I write new Qpid based services. The skeleton imports all of those things automatically. Likewise with your other message regarding having the Python manage the sockets, and attaching the Sessions to those Sockets. I don't think the way things are now presents such a pain that it ought to change.

But that's just me.  :)



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