How will this spring clean account for backwards compability ?

I know of at least on C++ user who is stuck because of API changes, keen to
avoid creating any more !!

Answers on a postcard, about how we will do backwards compatibility across
the piece ...


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Jonathan Robie

> Rafael Schloming wrote:
>> I think comparing code snippets is a good idea. I would be tempted for
>> starters to identify a few key use-cases/tasks rather than going
>> class-by-class right off the bat, e.g. opening a connection, opening a
>> session, publishing a message, subscribing with a listener, synchronous
>> subscription, creating a message, setting/accessing a header, acknowledging
>> a message, etc.
> OK, let's start with that.
> I do think we'll want to get to the point that we know that the APIs stay
> consistent, and we know the mechanism we use to keep them consistent. But
> the snippets will help us set direction before we do that.
> Would it be better to plan out all the changes, then make them in one fell
> swoop, or to gradually approach a consistent API? I'm inclined to prefer the
> first approach .l...
> Jonathan
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