Martin Ritchie wrote:
Are you suggesting writting a new Configuration API for the Java client?

No - Java JMS is the high level API for the Java client. Note that one of the possible directions I suggested is to provide a way for other languages to support the Java JMS properties files. The other route I suggested is a configuration API.

In the languages besides Java, there is no standard messaging API to fall behind. I'll say something more on Java in a separate message.


Jonathan Robie wrote:
The new messaging client API is designed to hide the details of specific AMQP versions. This causes a certain impedance mismatch with the maangement tools and the existing APIs, which are centered around the AMQP 0-10 model, with exchanges, bindings, queues, etc. To use the new API, a programmer need not think of exchanges at all, but anyone who uses the management tools sees these exchanges and needs to understand the mappings.

This made me think about the way we use Java JMS with AMQP 0-10, even though the models are quite different.

Should the new API be used in the same way as the Java JMS client? We could provide a way to use an existing Java JMS properties file in the client for each language (I assume other languages would ignore the java.naming.factory.initial ).

Or should we provide a separate configuration API for each version of AMQP that we support, since the semantics used for configuration are significantly different, at least between 0-10 and 1.0? The new API could provide a set of messaging semantics that covers everything except for configuration and is independent of the AMQP version, and there could be a separate API for configuring the plumbing in each version of AMQP.

Obviously, we could do both. And of course, people will also use the management tools to configure their brokers.

If we separate configuration from messaging per se, the high level API can be nicely independent of the bumps and wrinkles of a given AMQP version, and the configuration APIs can give full control. I think that's what we should want.

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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