
There are quite a few things that could be done. I can provide ideas for C++, Java, C#, Python. Do
you have any preferences?  Here are four ideas off the top of my head.

In C++, two ideas.
- There was paper written a while ago by another UW, which tests federation. It found some scaling factors. You could take that paper and then work through one of the tree scaling models
and then work out how to optimize the algorithm.
- A similar project could be done for queue browsing.

Python Idea: (quite cool)
- Qpid can emit events via qpid-print-event, however quite a few people have asked if we can provide info on SNMP. The project would be to model SNMP for qpid and the wire it up into the python print
events client (or create a C++ SNMP client if that is a better way to go)

For C#.
- Cliff from Microsoft has submitted a C# client over the C++ client. Brian submitted a QMF client on the previous version of C# client. You could look at moving this onto the new C# client and building a demonstrator from POJO Java to C# via QMF... C++, Python, Ruby clients
can also be included if you are ambitious.


ishara karunarathna wrote:

  I got a project(12 week) from my university to contribute to open
source project. So I would like to join developing Apache Qpid project.But
still I haven't a proper idea how should I join the development and what are
the possible tasks i can do for Rabbitmq. but I have got an idea from
endless Summer of code to develop a Port RabbitMQ to Android, but I dnt know
about the scope of that project and whether the time period may enough to do
it. if you help me I'll try my very best to implement a project and  to
contribute to RabbitMq.

 I have to start my project in next week and I have to submit a project
proposal to my teachers on Tuesday(22nd September). I have to inform my
teachers with periodic reports about my development. Also i
have to submit my all the work at the end of the project. So at the end I'll
finish my project my very best and send them both to you and my teachers.

Hope to  hear from you soon.
  Thank you,

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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