ishara karunarathna wrote:
Hi Carl,
Thanks a lot for your reply.I,m interested to contribute to the C# client.
As I'm new to Apache Qpid I haven't proper idea on that, so can you suggest
me where I can find more information on that.


From *QPID-2065 <>*

These are the areas Cliff has marked that need work. The port of the C# QMF to new WCF is item 7. If you want to do this one I can point you to it. tross can also do so. I'm sure that Cliff would not mind if you helped pick up any other item on the
list below also if you wanted.

2. Planned features (not yet available) --- for C# client.

1.  Full AMQP type support, including maps and arrays
2. System.Transactions integration (local and distributed with dynamic escalation)
3.  Prefetch window for inbound messages
4.  Shared sessions
5.  Connection failover with AMQP broker clusters
6.  Temporary queues
7.  Broker management
8.  System logging and tracing
9.  CMake build system support
10. Transport and message based security

Cliff, please jump in...


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