On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Steve Huston <shus...@riverace.com> wrote:

> Hi Kerry,
> > I'm having some issues getting the trunk to build - most
> > notably namespace
> > collisions between the global namespace types in
> > qpid/sys/windows.IntegerTypes.h and those defined in boost
> > cstdint - first
> > hit is in DispatchHandle.cpp which uses these typenames, and
> > I didn't see
> > any way the compiler could pick one.  I don't see others
> > complaining about a
> > broken build, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something?
> >
> > I'm using CMake 2.8.0, Boost 1.35, and MSVC 2008.
> Are you seeing the same errors are here:
> http://www.riverace.com/CDash-1.4.2/viewBuildError.php?buildid=288
> (ignore the ones in qmfengine...)
> If so, they're new and in a test and reported in QPID-2229.
> If not, something else changed since earlier today, or there's
> something funky about the build; however, your tools look fine, so I'm
> not sure what that might be.
> > Appreciate any help on this - I'm recommending we redirect a
> > very large
> > project here at work (GE) over AMQP/QPID (C++, .Net and
> > Python), and I'll be
> > taking point on the integration, so I'd like to be able to
> > start building from the trunk.
> Ok, great.
> > On a related note, I should be able to start contributing
> > work on the Win side of things, as I need a few features from the
> *nix
> > broker on the Win32/64 platform...
> Which features?
> -Steve

That link does point to the errors I was seeing (most of which were fixed
this weekend), and thanks for the links, I'll be spending more time coming
up to speed on the dev & bug tracking environments here before bothering the
list further...

Looking over the trunk I see most of the features I was interested in from
0.5 are already being addressed - work on broker failover, QMF map messages,
and I like the messaging API.  One related question - do the management
tools [qpid-route, qpid-config, ect.] exist for Windows?  I didn't see them
in the qpid 0.5 win32 release, and I don't see them my trunk cpp build


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