Being in many meetings, but great to see you got it. Can you put that in
a JIRA, so we don't loose that.


On 02/10/2010 05:51 PM, Kerry Bonin wrote:
OK...  (for the C++ code)

qpid::messaging.Message::setTTL( boost::uint64_t ttl );
I was using this with a qpid::sys::Duration() object, which stores time in a
boost::posix_time::ptime object.
This is documented to store in units of nanoseconds.

According to /cpp/src/qpid/broker/Message # 351-2, TTL is supposed to be set
in milliseconds.  When I manually send ms, it works fine.

I would recommend:
- document Message.setTTL units clearly - pick ms or ns
   - if ms, then overload setTTL to take a Duration object so we can use
without error by converting in setTTL
   - if ns, then somewhere downstream (OutgoingMessage#351 ?) the ns needs to
get converted to ms


On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 2:08 PM, Kerry Bonin<>  wrote:

In my test case (trunk C++ via messaging) I fire one message w/ 2 sec TTL
each time I run, then see how many messages I can read, and they never go
away until I kill the broker.  I'm not acknowledging anything, as I should
have multiple listeners for these events.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 2:01 PM, Carl Trieloff<>wrote:

On 02/10/2010 02:54 PM, Kerry Bonin wrote:

I just validated a report from a few of my developers that TTL doesn't
to be working with the 0.6 broker, is anyone working on this ?  If not I
have a look.  If it does work I'd like to compare notes to see what we're
doing wrong...  Thx!

(may be QPID-1418, QPID-1575 ?)

This has been seen by my Python developer using 0.5 api w/ 0.6 broker,
and I
just saw in 0.6 trunk C++ using Messaging.  In the C++ I'm creating w/
type:topic, calling qpid::messaging::Message.setTTL( TIME_SEC * 2 ), and
never see the events go away.  Not sure if this is a broker issue or a
messaging issue...

They should be reaped at mgnt interval if no client connected, or when
someone trys to consume messages.

Are they not being reaped on an idle queue or you getting expired messages
at the consumer?


Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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