
Java Broker - 0.8 Release

I'm currently figuring out the remaining work required on the Java side to
complete the broker 0-10 implementation, test it and support multiple
versions of the protocol from client to broker and back.

In roadmap terms, I'm targeting our next release (0.8) for 0-10 complete on
the Java broker side and 0-10 interop with the C++ client, at least.

You'll see the Java devs who work near me raising JIRAs for these items and
starting on them imminently. Obviously please shout or pitch in where you
can/would like to.

There might be time for docs too once we've got the code figured out.

Java 0-10 Client
I'm currently knee (chin) deep in todos, massively on the client side. I'll
be perusing the JIRAs open shortly.

Can the devs on this list please chip in with the key items outstanding on
the Java Client side for 0-10 i.e.
- are there features on the 0-8/0-9 codepaths that have not been completed
on the 0-10 client path ?
- Anything partially there but needing more work ?

Bring our your skeletons now !

Be kind and save me from hundreds of todos (470 on trunk argh) and JIRA

Also, please don't add empty todos or worse 'fix' todos with no comment
saying what needs fixed. Sometimes it is obvious, other times really not so
much .....

Don't even get me started on comments ;-)


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