It's unclear from your message whether you're aware of this or not: but
there is an example of using qpid proton c++ to connect to service bus in
the provided c++ examples with qpid proton.
You will find this in the source tree:

>From a brief search of the qpid code I don't think the error message is
coming from the qpid code so I think it is coming from the the Azure end -
you could substantiate this by running your client code with from logging
turned on - use the PN_LOG environment variable set to "frame".

If it is coming from the Azure end, the most likely reason I think is
probably an issue with quoting conventions in your connection string if
you're already using the same string with different APIs.

Hope this is helpful.


On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 2:34 PM Alugoju, Shailaja (She/Her/Hers)
<> wrote:

> Hi ,
> I am using qpid-proton-cpp library to integrate Azure service bus support
> into our application.
> I am getting the error "proton:io: The specified class was not found"
> I know this suggests there's a problem with the connection configuration.
> For Azure Service Bus, the correct format for the connection string
> typically includes the necessary authentication information. Here's how you
> can format the connection string:
> Endpoint=sb://<namespace>;SharedAccessKeyName=
> <keyName>;SharedAccessKey=<keyValue>
> Where:
> <namespace> is your Azure Service Bus namespace.
> <keyName> is the name of your shared access policy.
> <keyValue> is the shared access key associated with the policy.
> I did make sure you're using the correct values for <namespace>,
> <keyName>, and <keyValue> in your connection string.
> The connection string works fine in the Java version of Microsoft SDK for
> Azure.
> I am sure the problem is not the connection string.
> I believe the way I am using qpid-proton-cpp library might be the issue.
> Do you have any example of connecting to a service bus to send/receive
> messages via topics and queues?
> Any help is highly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance!
> Shailaja Alugoju
> Advanced Software Engr
> Honeywell Intelligrated
> Mobile: 513.341.0970
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