Hi Nitin,


1.       No, different brokers would not automatically learn about each

2.       Correct, there is no broadcast/multicast taking place.




From: Nitin Shah [mailto:ns...@btisystems.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2012 4:41 PM
To: dev@qpid.apache.org
Subject: Info


Hi ,


I am trying to understand and I cannot find the answer in any places I
have looked at. Can someone answer the following:


1.       If we have a multiple card system and there are local qpidd C++
brokers that are to be run on each card. If each broker starts up
independently, do they find out about each other automatically if there is
network connectivity between all the cards ( I mean IP connectivity)?  Can
you elaborate on how this works if possible ( I tried to look at the AMQP
standard to see if I can work it out). 

2.       If a message is sent to a particular client queue, is my
assumption right when I say that only the addressed client get the message
and no other broker is sent the same message? In other words, no
broadcasting/multicasting is taking place.







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