
On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Gordon Sim <g...@redhat.com> wrote:
> 2. This is probably the hardest one for me to answer.
> As mentioned (more than once, sorry!) I do believe there is a great deal
> of value in an AMQP focused broker at Apache, and to me Qpid is currently
> the obvious place for that given our charter and our history.
> However I think there has long been some concern around the duplication of
> effort between the two current Qpid brokers and the confusion that arises
> from having them both.
> I don't think it is sensible to continue to maintain more than one broker
> targeted at the same use cases.
> In addition I think the evolution of the protocol has freed us from what I
> see as the somewhat flawed model pushed by earlier versions. It also opens
> up new possibilities.
> So though I don't have any concrete proposal, I think it would make sense
> to transition to one broker or to clearly distinguish different classes of
> broker if that seems preferable on further analysis. I think this would be
> an area where we should see if we can revisit collaboration with the
> ActiveMQ project in some guise.


> In theory I think WCF is also useful. In practice we don't at present have
> the developer- or user- base to effectively address that in my view, but if
> we did I would be very much in favour of it. In other words I think it is a
> valuable contribution to our mission if and when we have the demand and the
> ability to support that demand.
And on the topic of WCF, if your going to be implementing a JMS client,
implementing an NMS [1] client would be nice too.  That ways .NET folks can
easily switch from ActiveMQ's or Tibco's protocol to AMQP.  The NMS apis
already kinda popular in the .NET world when folks are interested in
maintaining some vender neutrality.

[1]: http://activemq.apache.org/nms/

Yes this probably one of those projects like Proton which would
have benefitted from being a TLP to avoid folks thinking it's ActiveMQ



*Hiram Chirino*

*Software Fellow | FuseSource Corp.*

*chir...@fusesource.com | fusesource.com*

*skype: hiramchirino | twitter: @hiramchirino<http://twitter.com/hiramchirino>

*blog: Hiram Chirino's Bit Mojo <http://hiramchirino.com/blog/>*



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