Hi Fraser,

What you have now noticed is a step in our ongoing effort to reorganise the
broker internals, remove the old XML configuration files, and make the
broker pretty much entirely configurable through the management interfaces.

The particular plugable management interface you found and used with 0.20
was actually only introduced in 0.20, when we simplified the plugins from
prior versions of the broker (which used a somewhat contorted plugin system
via the XML and an embedded OSGi container). That change was a first step
towards letting us work on removing the broker-level XML configuration (and
ServerConfiguration along with it, being at the heart of that stuff). The
core of that landed on trunk over a month ago, having been in progress on a
branch since the end of October.

Although the larger idea of the changes have been mentioned in general
several times over the last year or more, I dont think we actually did
specifically call out the difference in the pluggability, primarily because
at the time the change was made (either months ago when it was, or more
recently when it was merged) no other such plugins actually existed and
weren't really expected to.

I'm afraid to say the answer to your question around stability is no, at
least as far as the particular bit you are probably asking about is
concerned, i.e the way the jmx and http management plugins are currently
loading. That happens to be something that was done as a means to make it
work with the new configuration, but exactly how it does is a source of
annoyance and rather likely to change again.

We can possibly look to improve things for 0.22 if there is somethign
simple that would help, but I think you might find the changes are far more
substantial than just the plugin interface itself and those may pose bigger
problems. Its a shame you werent tracking trunk as it may be too late to
fix some issues for the next release. I havent managed to take a proper
look at what you did, though a quick skim does leave me with a few
questions so I'll try to do so.

I guess the take away point is that the pluggability has generally been
there as much as an after thought than anything else, and maintaining
compatibility between reelases has not been a priority as we have no
plugins that target multiple releases and so few people (besides us, I
think I recall 3 people including you mentioning it over the years) have
ever used the pluggability we didn't really expect it to be an issue yet
(and I think you are the first to ever ask about a change). I see you noted
in your readme the pluggable points have never been documented; thats true
and our intention with these ongoing changes is very much to document such
things, once they become stable.


On 24 March 2013 16:53, Fraser Adams <fraser.ad...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

> I put together a QmfManagementPlugin for the Java Broker using the plugin
> org.apache.qpid.server.plugin.**ManagementFactory
> org.apache.qpid.server.**management.plugin.**ManagementPlugin
> This works nicely for Qpid 0.20 but I've just tried to build against trunk
> and those interfaces have gone :'(
> Looks like org.apache.qpid.server.**configuration.**ServerConfiguration
> has gone too.
> Looks like there's a new plugin API, what gives?? It's a little bit
> frustrating - was this change mentioned anywhere (Jira?) I must have missed
> it.
> I've not had much of a change to look at the new plugin API, is this
> likely to be vaguely stable?
> Any info gratefully received.
> Cheers,
> Frase
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