On 25 March 2013 20:57, Fraser Adams <fraser.ad...@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

> Hey Robbie,
> Thanks for the comprehensive response - all useful stuff, always on the
> bleeding edge me :-)
> as in "it's not bleeding working again" :-D
Sorry about that... but there is a reason we haven't declared a release to
be 1.0 yet :-)

> It's fun to know "I think you are the first to ever ask about a change ".
> I guess that I had assumed that a plugin architecture was intended to be
> used for erm plugins, I guess that I slightly wryly noted too that it had
> only arrived in 0.20 so "imagine my surprise" when it changed again so
> quickly :'(
Going forward we are looking to have a stable plugin API.  One of the
problems with time bound released rather than functionality scoped releases
is that you run the risk of getting a cut of a feature before it is fully
matured... so is the case with the management changes in the Java Broker in
0.20 (and probably in 0.22 as well).

> RE "Its a shame you werent tracking trunk as it may be too late to fix
> some issues for the next release " yeah I've hitherto mainly been working
> against official releases and I've just started tracking truck, as you
> suggest I'd clearly have picked this up sooner had I been. It's no bigee
> really as the QMF Management Plugin is built as a separate target. It was
> an initial release 'cause a few people had been asking about it and being
> able to control the Java broker from a CLI such as qpid-config.
> I've taken a look through some of the new plugin code. I did wonder when
> this all changed if it was related to the config work you've been
> mentioning elsewhere.
> I had a look at the new config.json file that gets put into the working
> directory - where does the default one get generated from? I did a quick
> grep but couldn't see what wrote out config.json if one doesn't already
> exist.
> Re "but I think you might find the changes are far more substantial than
> just the plugin interface itself and those may pose bigger problems " what
> sort of things are you alluding to here? My QMF plugin doesn't do anything
> especially clever and you've clearly modded the JMX and HTTP plugins to the
> new API. The bulk of the code beyond the "plugin" stuff just uses the
> org.apache.qpid.server.model classes which don't (at a superficial glance)
> appear to have changed radically.
> I guess I'll find out when I look further.
> Thanks again for the update.
> One further question RE "remove the old XML configuration files, and make
> the broker pretty much entirely configurable through the management
> interfaces" what's the motivation behind this? Funnily enough one of the
> things that I thought the Java broker had better than the C++ broker was
> the ability to specify configuration a priori. In my experience there are
> plenty of cases where one actually wants to provide a broker configuration
> that has been configuration managed. We certainly do in my set up and it
> rather irks me to have to essentially script qpid-config to configure our
> brokers to bootstrap the system. Don't get me wrong the management
> interfaces are great but the ability to have a configured config also seems
> useful. One thing that bugs me with the C++ broker is that I can't make a
> queue's configuration persistent without making the queue persistent (if
> you see what I mean) what I actually want is for the queue to be re-created
> automatically when the broker restarts but for messages to not be persisted
> (I can't easily change the producer to mark the messages non-persistent).
> I'm forced to use scripts to do this which is irksome. As I say the Java
> broker supported doing this via the XML config, but it seems like you've
> changed this - it seemed like a valid use-case so I'm interested to know
> what the driver was.
So one of the issues we had is that we previously had definitions in two
places - the database and the config file. With two (or more) possible
repositories for queue definition there is a question as to which one is
the master.  We are trying to unify this into a single (authoritative)
place.  For those who want to be able to hand-edit their config files we
will provide a JSON representation (the format of the store should be
pluggable - really! - so an XML format would also be possible)...
Alternatively for those who want everything in a database, that will also
be possible.  It is a key requirement (to me at least) that config should
be able to be stored in a purely text based form that can be hand edited
(and extracted en-masse and replayed into a new instance).

-- Rob

> Frase
> On 25/03/13 13:53, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
>> Hi Fraser,
>> What you have now noticed is a step in our ongoing effort to reorganise
>> the
>> broker internals, remove the old XML configuration files, and make the
>> broker pretty much entirely configurable through the management
>> interfaces.
>> The particular plugable management interface you found and used with 0.20
>> was actually only introduced in 0.20, when we simplified the plugins from
>> prior versions of the broker (which used a somewhat contorted plugin
>> system
>> via the XML and an embedded OSGi container). That change was a first step
>> towards letting us work on removing the broker-level XML configuration
>> (and
>> ServerConfiguration along with it, being at the heart of that stuff). The
>> core of that landed on trunk over a month ago, having been in progress on
>> a
>> branch since the end of October.
>> Although the larger idea of the changes have been mentioned in general
>> several times over the last year or more, I dont think we actually did
>> specifically call out the difference in the pluggability, primarily
>> because
>> at the time the change was made (either months ago when it was, or more
>> recently when it was merged) no other such plugins actually existed and
>> weren't really expected to.
>> I'm afraid to say the answer to your question around stability is no, at
>> least as far as the particular bit you are probably asking about is
>> concerned, i.e the way the jmx and http management plugins are currently
>> loading. That happens to be something that was done as a means to make it
>> work with the new configuration, but exactly how it does is a source of
>> annoyance and rather likely to change again.
>> We can possibly look to improve things for 0.22 if there is somethign
>> simple that would help, but I think you might find the changes are far
>> more
>> substantial than just the plugin interface itself and those may pose
>> bigger
>> problems. Its a shame you werent tracking trunk as it may be too late to
>> fix some issues for the next release. I havent managed to take a proper
>> look at what you did, though a quick skim does leave me with a few
>> questions so I'll try to do so.
>> I guess the take away point is that the pluggability has generally been
>> there as much as an after thought than anything else, and maintaining
>> compatibility between reelases has not been a priority as we have no
>> plugins that target multiple releases and so few people (besides us, I
>> think I recall 3 people including you mentioning it over the years) have
>> ever used the pluggability we didn't really expect it to be an issue yet
>> (and I think you are the first to ever ask about a change). I see you
>> noted
>> in your readme the pluggable points have never been documented; thats true
>> and our intention with these ongoing changes is very much to document such
>> things, once they become stable.
>> Robbie
>> On 24 March 2013 16:53, Fraser Adams <fraser.ad...@blueyonder.co.uk**>
>> wrote:
>>  I put together a QmfManagementPlugin for the Java Broker using the plugin
>>> API
>>> org.apache.qpid.server.plugin.****ManagementFactory
>>> org.apache.qpid.server.****management.plugin.****ManagementPlugin
>>> This works nicely for Qpid 0.20 but I've just tried to build against
>>> trunk
>>> and those interfaces have gone :'(
>>> Looks like org.apache.qpid.server.****configuration.****
>>> ServerConfiguration
>>> has gone too.
>>> Looks like there's a new plugin API, what gives?? It's a little bit
>>> frustrating - was this change mentioned anywhere (Jira?) I must have
>>> missed
>>> it.
>>> I've not had much of a change to look at the new plugin API, is this
>>> likely to be vaguely stable?
>>> Any info gratefully received.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Frase
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