On 07/07/2014 02:43 AM, Duong Quynh (FSU1.Z8.IP) wrote:
I rebuilt the program again and run it a second time, it didn't complete again 
as logged below:

2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] debug tcp:localhost:5672 writing protocol 
header: 1-0
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] debug tcp:localhost:5672 read protocol header: 
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] debug tcp:localhost:5672 Received 
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] debug tcp:localhost:5672 Sent SASL-INIT(PLAIN, 
\x00guest\x00guest, localhost)
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] debug tcp:localhost:5672 Received 
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]:   
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]:   
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]: 0 -> @open(16) 
properties={:"qpid.client_process"="amq-producer", :"qpid.client_pid"=16745, 
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]: 0 <- @open(16) 
[container-id="", hostname="", max-frame-size=1048576]
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]: 0 
-> @begin(17) [next-outgoing-id=0, incoming-window=2147483647, 
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]: 0 
<- @begin(17) [remote-channel=0, next-outgoing-id=1, incoming-window=0, 
outgoing-window=0, handle-max=1024]
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]: 0 -> @attach(18) 
[name="topic://usa.news_cf7c7459-54cd-42c9-8f73-b3434f68711b", handle=0, role=false, 
snd-settle-mode=2, rcv-settle-mode=0, source=@source(40) [address="topic://usa.news", durable=0, 
timeout=0, dynamic=false], target=@target(41) [address="topic://usa.news", durable=0, timeout=0, 
dynamic=false], initial-delivery-count=0]
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]: 0 <- @attach(18) 
[name="topic://usa.news_cf7c7459-54cd-42c9-8f73-b3434f68711b", handle=0, role=true, snd-settle-mode=2, 
rcv-settle-mode=0, source=@source(40) [address="topic://usa.news"], target=@target(41) 
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]: 0 
<- @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=0, incoming-window=1, next-outgoing-id=1, 
outgoing-window=0, handle=0, delivery-count=0, link-credit=100]
Sent - Hello news! 0
Sent - Hello news! 1
Sent - Hello news! 2
Sent - Hello news! 3
Sent - Hello news! 4
Sent - Hello news! 5
Sent - Hello news! 6
Sent - Hello news! 7
Sent - Hello news! 8
Sent - Hello news! 9
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]: 0 -> @transfer(20) 
[handle=0, delivery-id=0, delivery-tag=b"\x00\x00\x00\x00", message-format=0, settled=false, 
more=false] (31) "\x00Sp\xc0\x04\x02BP\x00\x00St\xc1\x01\x00\x00Su\xa0\x0bHello news!"
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]: 0 
<- @flow(19) [next-incoming-id=1, incoming-window=1, next-outgoing-id=1, 
outgoing-window=0, handle=0, delivery-count=1, link-credit=100]
2014-07-07 08:41:30 [Protocol] trace [ed70edd1-1d03-47c2-bd73-b0227ff93716]: 0 
<- @disposition(21) [role=true, first=0, last=0, settled=true, 
state=@accepted(36) []]

That looks like QPID-5737[1], where an expansion to the incoming session window is not handled if it comes when the program is already closing down. This is fixed on trunk but not in 0.28. If you want, you can apply the change[2], which is very simple, to the 0.28 code and check whether it resolves the issue.

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPID-5737
[2] https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/qpid/trunk/qpid/cpp/src/qpid/messaging/amqp/ConnectionContext.cpp?r1=1591470&r2=1591469&pathrev=1591470

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