+1 from me. 

On 3/19/17, 5:57 PM, "Marc Spehlmann" <spehl.apa...@gmail.com> wrote:

    This vote is for approval of the Quickstep-0.1.0 RC7.
    We had a few minor changes since RC6. They were changes to the LICENSE and
    file, as well as updating some headers. These should not have made
    functional changes.
    Voters should download, unpack, build, and test the package before voting.
    A +1 vote means that the package passes all tests and meets Apache
    A -1 vote should be accompanied with a short reason.
    Votes will remain open for 2 days in light of this being a very similar
    to the last one.
    The commit to be voted upon:
    The artifacts to be voted on are located here:
    Release artifacts are signed with the following key:
    Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Incubating Quickstep 0.1.0.

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