Hi Dylan,

Currently the network mode is using gRPC, so you probably need to use the
corresponding API (see
as an example). The raw socket connection won't work unless you hack gRPC's
message exchange protocol ..


2017-11-30 16:49 GMT-06:00 Dylan Bacon <dba...@wisc.edu>:

> Hello,
> I am attempting to interface with Quickstep using its NetworkCliClient and
> it's not working as I would expect. I have the default port and IP set to
> 3000 and and am attempting to send single queries to be processed
> over in my test harness. From what I could tell of the code when QS is in
> network mode it accepts a socket connection and string input from that
> function and processes it in NetworkCliClient.hpp and
> NetworkCliClientMain.cpp, and yet this is not happening with my test code.
> The connection is being established but Quickstep does not seem to be doing
> anything with the queries that come in.
> Attached is the test code that I am using. test is just a table by that
> name, I'm selecting a literal from it so the contents shouldn't matter.
> I've also attempted to create a table with this but Quickstep did not
> process that.
> --
> Regards,
> Dylan Bacon
> University of Wisconsin - Madison
> Department of Computer Sciences
> dba...@wisc.edu

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