Yes. NetworkCliClient is quite standalone. The dependencies are:
(1) #include <grpc++/grpc++.h>
(2) #include "cli/NetworkCli.grpc.pb.h"
(3) #include "cli/NetworkCli.pb.h"
(4) #include "utility/Macros.hpp"

To write your own client:
(A) Setup grpc so that you can include the header files and link to it.

(B) Grab NetworkCli.proto (
incubator-quickstep/blob/master/cli/NetworkCli.proto), change the package
name if necessary (originally quickstep).
(B.1) use grpc/protobuf tools to compile NetworkCli.proto to generate (2)
and (3) -- see
(B.2) compile quickstep and grab the files from build/cli/

(C) Copy the NetworkCliClient class from QS into your client code.

(A)/(B) may be somehow annoying to handle as you need to search through
various documentations ...


2017-11-30 17:07 GMT-06:00 Dylan Bacon <>:

> So NetworkCliClient should be something I'm able to include in my program
> along with the appropriate dependencies and use as the API? I was thinking
> about needing to do that but I wasn't sure if that was a standalone API QS
> has implemented or a core part of the system. Unless I'm being mistaken and
> you're talking about something from gRPC. This is my first time working
> with it.
> On 11/30/17 4:58 PM, Jianqiao wrote:
>> Hi Dylan,
>> Currently the network mode is using gRPC, so you probably need to use the
>> corresponding API (see
>> cli/NetworkCliClientMain.cpp#L42
>> as an example). The raw socket connection won't work unless you hack
>> gRPC's
>> message exchange protocol ..
>> Best,
>> Jianqiao
>> 2017-11-30 16:49 GMT-06:00 Dylan Bacon <>:
>> Hello,
>>> I am attempting to interface with Quickstep using its NetworkCliClient
>>> and
>>> it's not working as I would expect. I have the default port and IP set to
>>> 3000 and and am attempting to send single queries to be processed
>>> over in my test harness. From what I could tell of the code when QS is in
>>> network mode it accepts a socket connection and string input from that
>>> function and processes it in NetworkCliClient.hpp and
>>> NetworkCliClientMain.cpp, and yet this is not happening with my test
>>> code.
>>> The connection is being established but Quickstep does not seem to be
>>> doing
>>> anything with the queries that come in.
>>> Attached is the test code that I am using. test is just a table by that
>>> name, I'm selecting a literal from it so the contents shouldn't matter.
>>> I've also attempted to create a table with this but Quickstep did not
>>> process that.
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Dylan Bacon
>>> University of Wisconsin - Madison
>>> Department of Computer Sciences

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