On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Neil Toronto <neil.toro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If I get a vote, +1/2 from me.
> My vote isn't +1 because I'd rather see a syntactic restriction removed:
> make the inside of a `begin' an internal definition context. Then the change
> would happen in every similar macro at once.

> Would it break much?

BEGIN is overloaded as a `splicing' macro.  When you have a single macro call
that needs to expand into multiple `actions', you return the actions
within a BEGIN,
and they are `flattened' into the containing context.  Automagically
introducing a
new scope would break this behavior.

It might be a good idea to introduce some sort of specific
macro-splicing special form.

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