I second Sam's suggestions. 

-- I would use "The Racket Language" for the first line of the first item 
        then I would have in blue "Use #lang to Specify the Desired Dialect" 
        then I would list some candidates, possible as radio buttons 
        * racket/base (for scripting)
        * racket (for programming)
        * slideshow (for academicing) 
        * typed/racket (for power users)
        * others (specified manually by programmer)

I agree with Robby that *SLs probably have to reject (module ...) expressions 
EXCEPT that I don't see how they can get hold of the information that the 
programmer wrote down (other than guessing from the second position in 
the module expression but that sounds bad). 

On Nov 5, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Robby Findler
> <ro...@eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
>> There was a discussion a while back on revising the language dialog
>> (I've lost track of the thread since I started hacking on the dialog;
>> apologies).
> The thread starts here:
> http://bugs.racket-lang.org/query/?cmd=view&pr=12642 and continues
> here: http://www.mail-archive.com/dev@racket-lang.org/msg05730.html
>> I've just pushed something based on that discussion. Please let me
>> know what you think.
> I like the new dialog a lot.  I think it could be improved with some
> of the suggestions made in the thread.  Three I like in particular:
> - Make the language for "teaching" and "#lang" more parallel.  This
> could help emphasize that the first option is really a language
> choice.  So either change "Teaching language" to "Use a teaching
> language", or change the first option to "Standard language" (or
> "normal" or something else like that).
> - Add some example #lang lines under the #lang option.  These could
> even be actual choices, which edit the buffer if it's a new one --
> `racket`, `racket/base`, `typed/racket`, `slideshow` are good
> candidates.
> - Allow the presence of a #lang line to override the language dialog,
> or at least give an error that's more helpful than currently.
> --
> sam th
> sa...@ccs.neu.edu
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