Matthias Felleisen wrote at 11/05/2012 10:14 PM:
        * racket/base (for scripting)
        * racket (for programming)

After thinking about it, I think I see what you mean with the distinction between ``for scripting'' and ``for programming''. But I think this might be confusing.

(Explanation... I have been thinking of it the other way around: "#lang racket" is what you use when you want to just start typing and have everything available and type less text, in a scripting-language kind of way, and "#lang racket/base" is what one uses when putting a little more care into engineering, and doesn't mind the extra thinking and text. For example, when making a reusable PLaneT package, I think it's good practice to go to the extra effort to use "#lang racket/base" instead of "#lang racket"; otherwise, you doom all users of your package to pull in all of "#lang racket", which they might have engineering reasons not to do. But I guess you were speaking only of process load times -- that people would use "racket/base" so that standalone ``scripting'' programs would load quicker from the command line -- not about a quick-scripting nature of the programming activity?)

Neil V.

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