Thanks, Nadeem!


On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 9:30 PM, Nadeem Abdul Hamid <> wrote:
> Some improvements to DrRacket's "automatic parentheses" mode are now
> available in the nightly build version and git repository. If you have
> previous tried auto-parens and abandoned it, or if you have never tried it,
> please do try it now!
> In auto-parens mode, typing a closing parenthesis will skip over an existing
> one if the cursor is right in front of it. You can also type M+)  (meta key
> + close parens), whether in auto-parens mode or not, to skip right past the
> closing parentheses of the enclosing expression, or, if the expression is
> not well-balanced, just forward to the next closing parentheses. This
> behavior should also work as expected with other closing parenthesis-like
> symbols, double quotes, and | ... | pairs. There are also some tweaks to the
> auto-parens mode so that block comments #| ... |# are inserted correctly.
> Also auto-parens mode has no effect when inside a string literal or comment
> (you can always use M+( to force a parens pair if you really want one) or
> when typing a character literal.
> While 'undo' works properly now for just-inserted () pairs in auto-parens
> mode, I did not mess at all with delete key behavior. I've left the
> Paredit-like functionality for another time/person! :-)
> Have fun,
> nadeem
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