On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 5:16 PM, Matthias Felleisen <matth...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> A word of caution about *SL error messages. These messages are synthesized 
> from fragments of sentences and then a global rewriter re-arranges them to 
> improve their meaning based on work done by Guillaume Marceau, Kathi Fisler 
> and Shriram (see SIGCSE 2010). The rewriter catches English phrases at the 
> moment; you might be best off checking it out first.
> Sorry -- one day we'll get this aspect right -- Matthias

Well, thanks in any case! For the moment we decided to proceed with
the English version.

By the way, would it be a good idea to create a mailing list for
people who use (or intend to use) DrRacket in teaching, as separate
from an ordinary technical discussion? (I mean the main list.)

Here in Finland I know at least our team of three people who have
independently chosen (not knowing each other until quite recently)
DrRacket for teaching programming to (almost) complete beginners (not
CS-students), with encouraging results.

It would be nice to have a forum for sharing specific pedagogical tips
when using DrRacket, with people from all over the world.


Antti Karttunen

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