Hi all,

I'm using the Ranger plugin to secure access to Atlas. How can I create a
policy in Ranger to allow a user access to a subset of the entities? So for
example, I want to allow "alice" to "read" all entities that have a given
type. I created an authorization policy of "type" "Table", but I get the
following error:

curl -u alice:password "http://localhost:21000/api/atlas/entities?type=Table
<title>Error 403 {&quot;AuthorizationError&quot;:&quot;You are not
authorized for READ on [ENTITY] : *&quot;}</title>

How can I allow authorization for a subset of the entities? I guess I need
an authorization policy for "Entity" but it's not clear what values apart
from "*" are supported here?


Colm O hEigeartaigh

Talend Community Coder

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