I've done this a couple of different ways. I do have a server side invocation handler that can extract a Principal from the calling context to find an identity, and then use JAAS to login to check your login credentials. My JNI interface to PAM allows me to extract/create user and group Principals, put those into a Subject and then doAs() from there. This is what you would use in a complex application that needs absolute authentication control when a credential change should disallow access instantly.

I predominately have no worries about "stolen remote objects" or revoked access rights. And so single authentication is fine with me, and I use a factory interface with a single method that I pass identity/credentials to with remote call. The implementation of that interface uses JAAS to authenticate (I have a LoginModule that uses JNI interfaces to PAM for *NIX auth that I "plugin" to the server). If auth succeeds, execution continues to create an instance of the service object (if needed it might be a singleton depending on the application) and that is then wrapped by the authorization proxy object which is exported and wrapped into a Leased smart proxy which thus has the remote reference to the authorization proxy object on the server. That smart proxy is then what the client uses.

Gregg Wonderly

On 8/9/2011 9:40 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
Gregg Wonderly wrote:
On 8/9/2011 7:57 PM, Peter Firmstone wrote:
I'm interested, I've been thinking about this too, what's your current service

The service interface is "the service interface". The mechanism just uses a
proxy, delegating object. Thus, if you currently have a service object, you
just create an instance of your security object, passing in the service
object, and then export the security object for remote use.

That keeps you from having to support a "single" role model by having that
codified into your application. Instead, the service can be deployed with an
arbitrarily complex authorization implementation making it quite flexible. You
can even use Configuration to specify the security implementation class.

Gregg Wonderly

So it implements the same interface as your service, but encapsulates it.

So how do you log in, how does it track users? I'm guessing it's got something
to do with associating threads.



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