On 27/01/2013 7:57 AM, Tim Blackman wrote:
On Jan 26, 2013, at 8:26 AM, Peter Firmstone<j...@zeus.net.au>  wrote:

There are parts of Jini that depend on proprietary sun jvm namespace, 
preventing it from compiling on other jvm's:

Compiling 863 source files to 
 warning: sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef is Sun proprietary API and may be 
removed in a future release
The JRMP exporter is just a way to use Exporters with standard RMI rather than 
JERI.  You could convert that into a separate distribution that was specific to 
the Sun/Oracle JVM.  Of course, since the things in question are part of RMI, 
they are probably part of most Java implementations anyway.  Definitely 
separate from JERI.

In this case SunJrmpExporter is unique to Phoenix, the exporter in net.jini.jrmp.JrmpExporter doesn't utilise private namespace. SunJrmpExporter allows a known java.rmi.server.ObjID to be used, while JrmpExporter doesn't.

The question is: "Does Phoenix need to use a Registry exported over JRMP, for activatable services that use a JRMP exporter?"

import sun.rmi.server.MarshalInputStream;
 warning: sun.rmi.server.UnicastServerRef is Sun proprietary API and may be 
removed in a future release
Hmm, not as sure about this one.

Is this exporter needed for Phoenix?


If we wanted activation, we'd need to replace the functionality in java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry, to allow a Registry to be exported over JERI endpoints. Registry is a service provided at a known location, used for bootstrapping.

  Do you view activation as an important part of JERI, or could that be split 
out as well?

I guess it would depend on the amount of work required, the Activation interfaces could stay, the implementation, Phoenix, can't without first replacing functionality in classes that access sun private namespace , so it would be provided separately.

Thanks Tim, glad to see you're still monitoring the list ;)



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