On Apr 8, 2013, at 913AM, Mark Brouwer wrote:

> On 4/7/13 4:25 AM, Greg Trasuk wrote:
>> The "2.2" branch is very clean.  It starts from release in 2011. Since
>> then, Dennis applied RIVER-417, added poms for listing at Maven Central,
>> and applied the Levels fix.  I've applied RIVER-149, and that's it.
> Probably to Dennis. I noticed that what was merged into the 2.2 branch is not 
> the latest fix for RIVER-417 that was committed to the trunk by you. What has 
> been 'merged' is revision 1449248 and not 1455692, is there a reason for that?

No reason, nothing nefarious, just a simple mistake. Good catch though.



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