-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: P2P Internet Services - no code downloads, lambda's
Date:   Wed, 05 Feb 2014 22:44:54 +1000
From:   Peter Firmstone <j...@zeus.net.au>
To:     Greg Trasuk <tras...@stratuscom.com>

I agree regarding SOAP and River needing to be easier to deploy and
use.  I think the conventions Dennis is using with Rio, makes deployment
much cleaner and easier to understand.   I'm doing what I can, but
deployment isn't my speciality, I think the changes Dennis proposes goes
a long way towards it and we also need to get the community more
involved in the River container work your doing too.

Not too sure how to get the community more engaged, I think it's a side
effect of a very specialised user base.



On 5/02/2014 12:59 PM, Greg Trasuk wrote:
 Hi Peter:

 I applaud your enthusiasm.  Having said that, I’m not sure what River brings 
to the internet space that isn’t already well-served by the http infrastructure 
and RESTful services.  I kind of think that race has run.  I also don’t foresee 
much uptake for mobile-code approaches (even dynamically-generated code) in the 
internet space.  Java’s reputation for insecurity on the browser has killed 
that idea.

 In the data centre and cloud, however, I think River/Jini is a great 
substitute for the XML/SOAP approach.  I’ve talked to hundreds of people over 
the past ten years who are implementing SOAP-based SOA.  The vast majority of 
them are using Java for all their development.  Assuming we can simplify 
deployment so that mere mortals can actually use it, it should be a no-brainer 
that writing Java-based services with Java interfaces is simpler than writing 
Java-based services with WSDL-based interfaces to get platform neutrality that 
hardly ever gets used.

 Plus, Jini’s inherent resilience, combined with JavaSpaces, should be an easy 
sell for scalable-on-demand systems (e.g. Amazon EC2).



 On Feb 4, 2014, at 6:52 PM, Peter<j...@zeus.net.au>   wrote:


 DNS-SRV Discovery
 UDT JERI Endpoints- Firewall traversal&   superior WAN performance
 TLS Encryption
 Reflective Proxies - no code downloads
 Lambda expressions (for services) - remote dynamic code generation (this is 
big, don't download a codebase, the jvm generates code on demand)
 Secure serialization - limit classes to java.lang, and Jini trusted subsets.
 Size constraints on method invocation returns - anti dos measure

 A new internet lookup service, reflective proxy, with lambda expression based 

 There's not a great deal of work required to do this and it should make a huge 
difference to our userbase, which at present appears limited.



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