+1 Peter.

Note that the current build system does not support java 8.   

Maintaining a build system is a significant burden ( I know I had to implement 
Java 5 support).

We will need a new build system for java 8, this looks like a step in that 
direction.  In reality we need to adopt the build conventions used by Rio.


----- Original message -----
> As discussion has settled somewhat, I would like to call another vote to
> accept the latest patch described in 
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RIVER-432
> The patch removes the archived jar files for Velocity and ASM and
> replaces them with Apache Ivy scripts that download the jars from Maven
> Central the first time a build is done.   From then on, the jar files are
> in Ivy’s repository (for more info, see http://ant.apache.org/ivy).
> Voting will remain open at least until 2000 UTC Feb 13, 2014.
> Cheers,
> Greg.
> On Jan 3, 2014, at 12:57 PM, Greg Trasuk <tras...@stratuscom.com> wrote:
> > 
> > On Jan 3, 2014, at 5:25 AM, Simon IJskes - QCG <si...@qcg.nl> wrote:
> > 
> > > In order to gain some time to discuss this first i will vote -1.
> > > 
> > > First, we decided to NOT remove velocity builder.
> > 
> > When I read the email chain, my impression was that we wanted to
> > remove it (to quote you Sim, “To be honest, I hate it”), but there was
> > a dependency on it in the ‘extras’ folder that was added in the trunk
> > branch.   As there is no ‘extras’ in the 2.2 branch, and that is what
> > this patch applies to, I thought it was fair to remove
> > VelocityConfigurationBuilder from the 2.2 branch.     Perhaps we should
> > revisit the ConfigurationBuilder approach in another thread.   For now
> > I’ll spin another patch that doesn’t remove
> > VelocityConfigurationBuilder.
> > 
> > > 
> > > Second, no need to remove the jars as specified in your own comments
> > > on RIVER-432.
> > > 
> > > Pulling in external jars at compile time, shall we start here?
> > > 
> > > They are already in the svn. They are already in the build scripts.
> > > What does this patch fix? No legal problems?
> > > 
> > 
> > Apache policy is somewhat unclear on this point.   One needs to examine
> > the mailing lists for clues on what we should really do.   I will argue
> > that:
> > 
> > 1 - The fundamental distribution model of Apache is source code, not
> > binaries. 2 - Distributing binaries is tolerated but not encouraged. 
> > Since the svn repository can be seen as a distribution point, binaries
> > in svn are also tolerated but not encouraged. 3 - Downloading
> > dependency binaries at build time is technologically easy, provides
> > the same guarantees as putting them in cvs, and avoids the question of
> > effectively distributing someone else’s code.
> > 
> > All these together suggest that although we’re technically OK to put
> > dependency jars in a “-deps” package (note that the status quo _is_
> > unacceptable - at the very least, we need to restructure the
> > dependencies into a “-deps” binary package), there is some policy
> > uncertainty which we avoid totally by having dependencies downloaded
> > from a known-good source at build time.
> > 
> > Let’s examine these points:
> > 
> > 1 - The fundamental distribution model of Apache is source code, not
> > binaries.   Apache began with httpd.   Back in those days, “Open Source”
> > software was distributed in source form only, simply because it was
> > mostly intended for Unix systems (then later Linux).   I recall the
> > first release of Perl coming down as a ten-part uunet news message. 
> > Part of this distribution model was practical necessity - System
> > differences made it necessary to compile your software on the hardware
> > it was going to run on.   Part of it was open-source philosophy. 
> > Having the source code meant that you could take a look at it and
> > verify that it wasn’t hazardous to your operations.   
> > 
> > In any case, the way we use to use open source software was
> > (“./configure; make; make install”).   If the software had
> > dependencies, you built them from source, for the same reasons.
> > 
> > Now, as time has gone on, we’ve gotten used to having the JVM as a
> > common runtime, and jar files as a common binary distribution medium. 
> > But the Apache Foundation’s mandate is to produce open source software
> > that is freely usable under the Apache License.   That means source
> > code is at the heart of Apache, despite the rest of the world’s
> > comfort with binaries.   Hence Roy’s statements in (1):
> > 
> > > Class files are not open source.   Jar files filled with class files
> > > are not open source.   The fact that they are derived from open source
> > > is applicable only to what we allow projects to be dependent upon,
> > > not what we vote on as a release package.   Release votes are on
> > > verified open source artifacts.   Binary packages are separate from
> > > source packages. One cannot vote to approve a release containing a
> > > mix of source and binary code because the binary is not open source
> > > and cannot be verified to be safe for release (even if it was
> > > derived from open source).
> > > 
> > > I thought that was frigging obvious.   Why do I need to write
> > > documentation to explain something that is fundamental to the open
> > > source definition?
> > He’s talking about binary packages, not jar files in svn, but I read
> > that (and many other emails) as a distaste for binary distributions.
> > 
> > In fact, if you look at Apache httpd’s download page, it doesn’t
> > appear that the Apache project publishes any Unix or Linux binaries. 
> > They leave that to other organizations.
> > 
> > 2 - Distributing binaries is tolerated but not encouraged.   Since the
> > svn repository can be seen as a distribution point, binaries in svn
> > are also tolerated but not encouraged.
> > 
> > It’s hard to find a single reference that encapsulates this outlook,
> > but that’s the impression I get from reading the various mailing
> > lists.   For instance, Sam Ruby says (2):
> > > IMO, our projects release source. So, our projects should not
> > > maintain object/binary artifacts in their svn release tree,
> > > regardless of license (category a or b).
> > There is some debate on whether the svn tree should be considered a
> > distribution point.   Incubator releases are regularly called out for
> > not having “NOTICE” and “RELEASE” files at all reasonable checkout
> > points in svn.   [LEGAL-26]
> > (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LEGAL-26) concerns this and
> > remains unresolved.
> > 
> > Doug Cutting (3) says:
> > > On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 2:50 AM, Stephen Connolly
> > > <stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > * Source control is not an Apache distribution and hence we do not
> > > > need to have LICENSE and NOTICE files in source control, it can be
> > > > a nice convenience, but there is no *requirement*.
> > > 
> > > I think perhaps you're looking for clear lines where things are
> > > actually a bit fuzzy.   Certainly releases are official distributions
> > > and need LICENSE and NOTICE files.   That line is clear.   On the other
> > > hand, we try to discourage folks from thinking that source control is
> > > a distribution.   Rather we wish it to be considered our shared
> > > workspace, containing works in progress, not yet always ready for
> > > distribution to folks outside the foundation.   But, since we work in
> > > public, folks from outside the foundation can see our shared
> > > workspace and might occasionally mistake it for an official
> > > distribution.   We'd like them to still see a LICENSE and NOTICE
> > > file.   So it's not a hard-and-fast requirement that every tree that
> > > can possibly be checked out have a LICENSE and NOTICE file at its
> > > root, but it's a good practice for those trees that are likely to be
> > > checked out have them, so that folks who might consume them are well
> > > informed.
> > Again, he’s not talking directly about jar files in svn, however I
> > think his statement that “since we work in public, folks from outside
> > the foundation can see our shared workspace and might occasionally
> > mistake it for an official distribution” applies here.   Fundamentally,
> > the decision on how and where to distribute ‘velocity.jar’ rightly
> > belongs with the Velocity group and I don’t think we ought to
> > redistribute it.
> > 
> > 3 - Downloading dependency binaries at build time is technologically
> > easy, provides the same guarantees as putting them in cvs, and avoids
> > the question of effectively distributing someone else’s code.
> > 
> > There doesn’t seem to be clear policy in the ASF on this, as evidenced
> > by the frequent debates on it, and the lack of documentation.   I’ve
> > tried to lay out an argument that having jars in svn is not encouraged
> > by the ASF (really, it’s not in line with the ASF’s charter), even if
> > it isn’t disallowed.   You may disagree, and I won’t claim I’ve made a
> > strong argument, simply because the policy isn’t clear.   So instead of
> > going through arguments that amount to differences of opinion on
> > Apache policy, let’s use a technological solution that is simple,
> > common, and avoids the question altogether, by automatically
> > downloading the dependencies at build time.
> > 
> > Projects that use Maven do this automatic download as standard
> > practice (that’s what Maven does, and that’s what the Maven Central
> > infrastructure is there to support).   We don’t use Maven, which is
> > fine (our customers have asked us to make our binaries available in
> > Maven Central, and we’ve done that).   Apache Ivy is a popular add-on
> > to Apache Ant that provides similar dependency resolution to an
> > Ant-based build.
> > 
> > I was a little surprised how easy it was to persuade Ivy to get the
> > required dependencies at build time.   The “ivy.xml” file is 39 lines
> > including the ASL header (which by the way I forgot to include in the
> > patch - I’ll fix that).   There are about 50 lines added to ‘build.xml’
> > to download Ivy and then download the required jar files
> > 
> > So, given that the status-quo seems to be unacceptable (Roy talks
> > about not having jar files in the open-source trees, only in “-deps”
> > and “tools” trees), we have two options:
> > 
> > (a) - restructure the svn repository and the build to allow a separate
> > “-deps” distribution.   This wouldn’t affect our binary distributions
> > (note that I’m no longer using the term “binary release”), but to
> > build from source, a user would have to download a separate archive,
> > unpack it, and then copy those files into the directory that was
> > unpacked from the source release.   This option effectively still has
> > us distributing dependent binaries, which is not the goal of the ASF,
> > just with a disclaimer that says “this isn’t an ASF release, its just
> > a binary distribution put together by a committer for your
> > convenience, so don’t feel you should trust it too much”.
> > 
> > (b) - use Ivy to get the jars from Maven Central automatically as part
> > of the build.
> > 
> > I think (b) is the option that causes the least hassle for our
> > downstream consumers, and not much hassle for us.
> > 
> > 
> > > Pulling external jars at compile time also makes it more difficult
> > > to certify the software. In order to certify the software you need
> > > to establish baseline that will be garanteed the same, even if you
> > > pull it from the archive 10 years later.
> > 
> > As I said above, Apache’s focus is creating software that can be built
> > from source, not distributing binaries (note that QCG or another
> > company might have a different focus, and is perfectly able to
> > distribute binaries under the Apache license).   I think a reasonably
> > prudent user would ask “How can I trust the ‘velocity.jar’ that’s
> > included in this binary?”   And the answer would be either “because I
> > built it from source and installed it in my corporate repository”
> > (very cautious, but not unheard-of) or “It was published by the
> > Velocity group to a trusted repository, Maven Central” (more common).
> > 
> > If you look in the “ivy.xml” file you’ll see that the dependencies are
> > specified using Maven-style “group-artifact-version” coordinates.   Old
> > versions are maintained in Maven Central forever.   I suppose it’s
> > possible that a publisher could convince Maven Central to remove a
> > version for some reason (security or licensing problems perhaps), but
> > then, would we want to be distributing that version in a “-deps”
> > package?
> > 
> > I agree that it’s not enough to just say “you need to download
> > such-and-such jar”, hence the automatic download managed by “Ivy” from
> > Maven Central.
> > 
> > > It is not a high level project that builds on several frameworks. It
> > > is a lowlevel system library. The stuff below the stack is minimal.
> > > The number of jars we use is limited. Why bother?
> > > 
> > 
> > In the currently released branches, the dependencies are limited to
> > ASM and Velocity.   Looking forward to the trunk branch and the
> > qa_refactor branch, the number of external dependencies seem to be
> > increasing (IMO I don’t like that, because I also view River as a low
> > level system library, but I’m only one PMC member).   We need to get in
> > front of the problem before we start distributing large numbers of
> > dependencies.
> > 
> > This point rolls in with the general question of jar files in version
> > control.   I was always taught that version control was for source
> > code, and putting binaries into version control was a bad idea.   In
> > addition, there are practical problems - with older systems like cvs,
> > even doing an update or commit effectively downloads the binaries,
> > which slows things down if there are large binary files.   On newer
> > distributed version control systems like git or Mercurial, the entire
> > repository, including all versions of binary artifacts, comes down
> > with the project checkout.   Currently, we have one version of
> > relatively few jar files in our repository, so it’s not a major issue.
> >   But it gets worse as time goes on.   So I suggest we work out the
> > technology now to avoid the problem.
> > 
> > > Gr. Simon
> > > 
> > 
> > Thanks for the questions, Sim.   I hope you’ll come around to removing
> > your ‘-1’.
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Greg
> > 
> > Footnotes
> > ——————
> > 
> > (1) - Roy Fielding - http://s.apache.org/roy-binary-deps-1
> > (2) - Sam Ruby - http://s.apache.org/r5
> > (3) - Doug Cutting - http://s.apache.org/GNP
> > 
> > > On 02-01-14 18:22, Greg Trasuk wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > Hello all:
> > > > 
> > > > Please have a look at the patch mentioned below and cast a vote on
> > > > it.
> > > > 
> > > > The main idea is to remove the dependency jar files from the
> > > > source distribution.   As a side effect of using Ivy, it becomes
> > > > reasonable to remove them from the svn archive as well.   Also, the
> > > > Velocity dependency was there to support the
> > > > VelocityConfigurationBuilder.   We had discussed removing that
> > > > component, so rather than move that dependency to Ivy, I’ve
> > > > removed VelocityConfigurationBuilder.
> > > > 
> > > > It’s arguable whether the VelocityConfigurationBuider was part of
> > > > the official Jini API (I see it as a utility, not API), so I don’t
> > > > think this commit actually requires a vote.   However, it does seem
> > > > like a significant change to the build process that ought to be
> > > > reviewed.   So I propose to treat this as a “lazy consensus” vote,
> > > > and will commit the change to the 2.2 branch if there are no
> > > > objections in 72 hours (i.e. 1730UTC 20140105).
> > > > 
> > > > At the same time, based on discussions over on
> > > > gene...@incubator.apache.org, I’ll withdraw my assertion that we
> > > > can’t have jars in svn.   Those interested may want to check out
> > > > the thread at
> > > > http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-general/201312.mbox/%3C01B04CC4-95B8-4A39-BC16-04BAA4269B65%40stratuscom.com%3E
> > > > 
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > 
> > > > Greg.
> > > > 
> > > > On Jan 2, 2014, at 12:05 PM, Greg Trasuk (JIRA) <j...@apache.org>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > [
> > > > > https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RIVER-432?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel
> > > > > ]
> > > > > 
> > > > > Greg Trasuk updated RIVER-432:
> > > > > ------------------------------
> > > > > 
> > > > > Attachment: river-2_2_remove_jars.diff
> > > > > 
> > > > > The attached patch for the 2.2 branch does the following:
> > > > > - removes the 'asm' directory and 'tests/lib' directories which
> > > > > currently contain the asm library, mockito, and junit jars. -
> > > > > Modifies 'build.xml', 'common.xml', and adds 'ivy.xml' so that
> > > > > the Apache Ivy ant plugin is downloaded at build time, and then
> > > > > used to retrieve the libraries mentioned above from Maven
> > > > > Central.   This removes the need to have the jar files in svn. -
> > > > > Removes (as per discussion
> > > > > http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/river-dev/201211.mbox/%3C509B99E3.6080800%40qcg.nl%3E)
> > > > > the VelocityConfigBuilder, and associated Velocity jars.   Note
> > > > > that the 'extras' folder is not present in the 2.2 branch, so
> > > > > Sim's last comments in the thread do not apply.
> > > > > 
> > > > > > Jar files in svn and src distributions
> > > > > > --------------------------------------
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Key: RIVER-432
> > > > > > URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RIVER-432
> > > > > > Project: River
> > > > > > Issue Type: Bug
> > > > > > Reporter: Greg Trasuk
> > > > > > Attachments: river-2_2_remove_jars.diff
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > Recent traffic on the incubator lists has pointed out that
> > > > > > including jar files for dependencies in the subversion
> > > > > > repository and the source distributions is against Apache
> > > > > > policy. In River, the following libraries appear in the
> > > > > > Subversion repository and the source distributions (these are
> > > > > > from trunk, a smaller set appear in the 2.2 branch):
> > > > > > animal-sniffer asm bouncy-castle dnsjava high-scale-lib
> > > > > > rc-libs
> > > > > > velocity
> > > > > > They all have to go.   What are we using them for?   As I
> > > > > > understand it, we were going to remove the
> > > > > > VelocityConfigurationBuilder, so that's not a problem.   Some
> > > > > > of the others are available from Maven Central, so we can get
> > > > > > them at build time using Ivy or another build tool.   Which
> > > > > > ones are actually required?   And where did they come from?
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > --
> > > > > This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
> > > > > (v6.1.5#6160)
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > QCG, Software voor het MKB, 071-5890970, http://www.qcg.nl
> > > Quality Consultancy Group b.v., Leiderdorp, Kvk Den Haag: 28088397
> > 

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