The present serialized form of Lambda's don't access captured fields until after deserialization, making them dependant on the enclosing classes serial form, its deserialized object state and requiring the enclosing class to be Serializable.

This appears to be a fundamental mistake in the design of lambda serialization.

I don't believe this will be changed now, this decision is the result of an expert group and the release date for Java 8 draws near.

One possibility of fixing this is to create a marker interface, eg DistributedLambda.

By implementing a new serialization proxy for DistributedLambda that doesn't refer to the enclosing class, but instead captures fields at the time of serialization instead of after deserialization, we can provide independant short lived functional immutable objects, enabling lambda parameter arguments for remote objects that don't require codebase downloads at the exporting node.

My reasoning and consequences:

  1. Anonomous classes introduce brittleness in a distributed
     environment, they really should be avoided.
  2. Capturing state at the time of execution from deserialized
     encapsulating object state, invites mutability and side effects
     that diverge from the state of the original caller object and
     intent of functional programming.
  3. Storing a lambda into a @serialField within a Serializable object,
     would also mean that the lamdba parameters would be captured at
     the time of serialization, not at some later point of execution
     after deserialization, so a DistributedLambda wouldn't see updates
     to the encapsulating object after deserialization.
  4. Lamdba's are functional programming constructs and functional
     programming is founded on immutability, so DistributedLambda would
     honour that heritage.
  5. A DistributedLambda instance becomes an independant immutable
     implementation of a functional interface at the time of
     serialization, to avoid surprises, fields referred to by a lambda
     should be effectively final and side effects should be avoided.




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