> On Nov 13, 2015, at 6:23 PM, Peter <j...@zeus.net.au> wrote:
> i have done some investigation into implementing dynamic iiop stub 
> generation.  glassfish does this.
> I'd like to retain iiop.

I guess my question is why keep IIOP?  Is there a use case that IIOP/CORBA 
covers that is not adequately addressed by JERI?  If I’m not mistaken, the Sun 
crew put it in there originally in hopes of being able to interop with EJBs.  I 
don’t think that’s a reasonable use case.

> We could certainly remove JRMP, but it's worth remembering that 
> MarshalledObject still ties us to RMI, hence the need to set a property that 
> allows downloaded code 
> java.rmi.server.useCodebaseOnly
> In my local copy of River, all instances of MarshalledObject are marshalled 
> and unmarshalled using MarshalledInstance .  The next step would be to use 
> interface default methods to replace MarshalledObject parameters with 
> MarshelledInstance and deprecate. serial form would retain MarshalledObject 
> where it existed for compatibility.
>  Phoenix and the test suite still use JRMP.  In my local copy of River I've 
> converted the test suite to JERI, I may have committed it for River 3.0, I 
> don't recall and would need to check.  My local copy of Phoenix uses JRMP , 
> but only to establish a connection with rmi activation.
> i have also removed rmi stubs from Phoenix except for one required for 
> activation compatibility, that Isn't downloaded.  Instead phoenix  now uses 
> reflection's proxy (again my local copy).
> rmi stubs have been removed from all other services in my local copy of 
> River.  
> so there's quitez a lot of work required, something for River 3.1?
> Regards
> Peter.
> Sent  from my Samsung device.
> ---- Original message ----
> From: Greg Trasuk <tras...@stratuscom.com>
> Sent: 14/11/2015 05:02:42 am
> To: dev@river.apache.org
> Cc: u...@river.apache.org
> Subject: [Discuss - Remove JRMP and IIOP support]
> Hello all: 
> I’d like to suggest removing JRMP support (i.e. pre-compiled proxy classes), 
> and IIOP support (i.e. CORBA).  JRMP is nicely replaced by JERI, which offers 
> security and doesn’t require you to create compiled proxy classes by running 
> rmic.  JRMP support was originally included in the Jini 2.0 release waaay 
> back in 2001 or so, in order to allow backwards compatibility with Jini 1.2 
> installations.  The IIOP support could in theory provide compatibility with 
> native CORBA services (does anyone still do that?) or EJBs, but to my 
> knowledge, it wasn’t widely used. 
> The main reason for pruning theses capabilities is that unused code still 
> requires maintenance and increases the chance of bugs.  Also I think that as 
> we go forward with refactoring, renaming, restructuring the build and so on, 
> it seems wasteful to do that work on code that isn’t actually in use. 
> Obviously, the code remains in Subversion and in the 2.2.2 release, so if 
> someone wants to get it back, we (or they) could package it into a different 
> deliverable.  But I wouldn’t plan on doing that unless there’s actual demand 
> for it. 
> My thought is to put this out there for discussion - If there is consensus 
> after a few days I’ll call a lazy-consensus vote.   I’ll be happy to do the 
> work in the 2.2 branch. 
> So, I propose to drop support for the following: 
> net.jini.jrmp.** 
> net.jini.iiop.** 
> QA Harness classes that test any of the above. 
> Cheers, 
> Greg Trasuk

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