Hi Patricia

Bishnu Prasad Gautam

> Subject: Re: Lotj - languages other than java
> To: dev@river.apache.org
> From: p...@acm.org
> Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 01:48:11 -0700
> On 7/4/2016 11:38 PM, Bishnu Gautam wrote:
> > Hi Patricia
> >
> >>
> >> Do you have any ideas for how to recruit River developers? Even the
> >>  committers we have do not have enough time to finish an almost
> >> complete release.
> >
> > Do you have scheme of recruitment with payment or complete
> > volunteers? If it is volunteers, internship program would be the mos
> > practical one. In that context it is quite possible to recruit
> > developers in River by putting internship programs who can work
> > together with active committers or developers in River project. If
> > you open internship program, I can also send my students to work
> > together online with active members of River project. I think this is
> > the most practical solution if they need to work as volunteers. In
> > the beginning we can start from a small scale and once someone is
> > ready to contribute enough from the internship, then we can scale out
> > with more numbers and in this way, the community would be increase.
> > Let me know if you are interested about it.
> >
> No, we can't pay any money.
> Ok I understood.
> I'll be interested in the views of the active committers on the 
> internship model. My current involvement is mainly administrative, but I 
> could help with running an internship program, if it seems likely to 
> work for both the students and River. I am a retired programmer and 
> computer architect, and received a PhD in computer science from UCSD in 
> 2009. I have contributed to StackOverflow especially in Java.
Great to know!. Could you let me know if any active member in River is willing 
to support internship program here. How about opening an internship program 
with specified mentor.  And also what can be learned from that internship 
program in details. I would be able to put some of my students on board if such 
internship program is started in River.  I am pretty sure that this will help 
River community largely in a long term.
> Patricia

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