Hi Peter

Thanks for your response
It would be great to have Unicast https implementation or also the IPv6 
multicast discovery will work for me. Could you share the codes and the 
documents about it. I would really appreciate for that.

Sincerely Yours
Bishnu Prasad Gautam
From: Peter Firmstone <peter.firmst...@zeus.net.au>
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 7:52 AM
To: dev@river.apache.org <dev@river.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Further update regarding firewall and NAT issues in River

Hi Bishnu,

Can you use IPv6?

I have a Unicast https implementation (to get through https firewalls)
and IPv6 multicast discovery (can be configured to be global or limited
to your intranet)

There were a number of different types of IPv4 NAT firewalls / routers,
so it was never going to be reliable, I kinda figured it would impact
negatively if users had to debug it.



On 5/5/2020 10:32 PM, Bishnu Gautam wrote:
> Hello All
> Are there any updates regarding firewall bypassing in Apache River. I
> have been around Jini Technology a decade ago and was stuck due to its
> inability to punch through firewall and NAT. However, there used to
> have some threads of working on it by some of the developers. It would
> be great if there are any work going on about it.
> I came to know that there is a technique of UDP hole punching by which
> you can over come this constraint. Please let me know if any body is
> working on it that can address the firewall issue. It would be great a
> tool specially in IoT networks if we can overcome firewall and NAT issue.
> Bishnu Prasad Gautam
> Bishnu Prasad Gautam

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