Hi Bushnu,

The plan is to donate this code back to River after completing River's modular build (on a per module basis, hopefully it will be more digestible for community review that way), it may be subject to change following community review.  If people find it useful, that should improve the likely-hood of it's acceptance, I would appreciate any feedback.

LookupLocator can be used for https unicast lookup as documented:


Reggie needs to be configured to support https unicast, it is not documented at this time as it is still experimental.

This is the Reggie code that reads in the configuration:

this.httpsUnicastPort = Config.getIntEntry(
            config, COMPONENT, "httpsUnicastDiscoveryPort",
            443, 0, 0xFFFF);
this.enableHttpsUnicast = config.getEntry(COMPONENT,
            "enableHttpsUnicast" ,Boolean.class , Boolean.FALSE);

Using IPv6 multicast requires the following properties to be set, I've been using IPv6 for some time now.  Note only the announcement protocol can be global. :)

System Property         Purpose
java.net.preferIPv6Addresses This property is interpreted as a boolean value. If true, jini-announcement <https://pfirmstone.github.io/JGDMS/old-static-site/doc/specs/html/discovery-spec.html#19194> and jini-request <https://pfirmstone.github.io/JGDMS/old-static-site/doc/specs/html/discovery-spec.html#40029> protocols will use IPv6 multicast addresses: IANA IPv6 Multicast Addresses <http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-multicast-addresses/ipv6-multicast-addresses.xhtml> net.jini.discovery.GLOBAL_ANNOUNCE This property is interpreted as a boolean value. If true, jini-announcement <https://pfirmstone.github.io/JGDMS/old-static-site/doc/specs/html/discovery-spec.html#19194> will join the global multicast address group FF0X::155. If false the jini-announcement protocol will join the site local multicast address group FF05::155. As defined in RFC4291, IPv6 multicast addresses which are only different in scope represent different groups. Clients joining the global group, will not receive site local announcement packets and vice versa.

You're probably best downloading and building from the latest source as it contains improvements, however it's also available at Maven Central.




On 5/16/2020 7:36 PM, Bishnu Gautam wrote:
Hi Peter

Thanks for your response
It would be great to have Unicast https implementation or also the IPv6 
multicast discovery will work for me. Could you share the codes and the 
documents about it. I would really appreciate for that.

Sincerely Yours
Bishnu Prasad Gautam
From: Peter Firmstone <peter.firmst...@zeus.net.au>
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2020 7:52 AM
To: dev@river.apache.org <dev@river.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Further update regarding firewall and NAT issues in River

Hi Bishnu,

Can you use IPv6?

I have a Unicast https implementation (to get through https firewalls)
and IPv6 multicast discovery (can be configured to be global or limited
to your intranet)

There were a number of different types of IPv4 NAT firewalls / routers,
so it was never going to be reliable, I kinda figured it would impact
negatively if users had to debug it.



On 5/5/2020 10:32 PM, Bishnu Gautam wrote:
Hello All

Are there any updates regarding firewall bypassing in Apache River. I
have been around Jini Technology a decade ago and was stuck due to its
inability to punch through firewall and NAT. However, there used to
have some threads of working on it by some of the developers. It would
be great if there are any work going on about it.

I came to know that there is a technique of UDP hole punching by which
you can over come this constraint. Please let me know if any body is
working on it that can address the firewall issue. It would be great a
tool specially in IoT networks if we can overcome firewall and NAT issue.

Bishnu Prasad Gautam

Bishnu Prasad Gautam

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