Hi guys,

Would be nice to have some feedback on this as the deadline is not too far


Sohaib Iftikhar

-- Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.--

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 10:36 AM, Sohaib Iftikhar <sohaib1...@gmail.com>

> Thank you for the pointers to the code. This was super helpful. The
> multiple keys can probably be serialized better than separating them with a
> space but that is already legacy I suppose.
> Firstly filters like bloom or cuckoo are heuristic. They can help make
> things faster but definitely cannot be used as the only solution. Hence, in
> the end, we will still need a persistent keystore/distributed set. My plan
> was to have this keystore as distributed (raft guarantee etc.). The
> keystore can also hold a persistent filter on its end. If a broker
> collapses it can renew/refresh its filter from the keystore. Hence
> eliminating the problems about crashes that you mention. The problem here
> could be in maintaining performance for filters in case of removals from
> the keystore (for eg: sliding windows as mentioned in my previous mail).
> Periodic refreshal of filters can help solve this but I am open to
> suggestions on how to make this better.
> I think implementing a distributed set on the client cluster has its
> caveats. The way I understand RocketMQ is that we do not have control over
> the diskspace/memory on the client end. So we probably only have a constant
> amount. A distributed set on the client would also need to be persistent.
> For eg: if a client restarts/recovers etc. This basically means we need a
> keystore on the client instead of the broker cluster. This probably puts
> too much responsibility on the client cluster. A different approach would
> be to ensure that the offsets are always in sync with the broker. Since the
> broker only serves unique messages (based on the proposed solution on the
> producer/broker end) all we need to ensure is that a client does not
> consume messages with the same offset twice.
> Please suggest improvements if this does not look like the correct
> approach. Also would be great if someone can come up with a completely
> different approach so that we can weigh up pros and cons.
> Thanks for reading this through and looking forward to your opinions.
> Regards,
> Sohaib
> Regards,
> Sohaib Iftikhar
> -- Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.--
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 3:58 AM, Zhanhui Li <lizhan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Sohaib,
>> About multiple key support, the following code snippet should clarify
>> your doubt:
>> org.apache.rocketmq.common.message.Message class has overloaded setKeys 
>> methods, allowing your to set multiple keys via string(separated by 
>> space…sorry, we have not yet unified all separators, hoping this does not 
>> confuse you) or collection.
>> When broker tries to build index for the message with multiple keys, 
>> multiple index entries are inserted into the indexing file.
>> See org.apache.rocketmq.store.index.IndexService#buildIndex
>> In terms of eliminating message duplication, personally, I wish we have a
>> feature of exactly-once semantic covering the whole cluster and the
>> complete send-store-consume processes. A rough idea is route the message
>> according to its unique key to a broker according to a rule; The serving
>> broker ensures uniqueness of the message according to the key( as you said,
>> bloom-filter/cuckoo-filter, etc);  Things might looks simple, but issues
>> resides in scenarios where cluster is experiencing membership changes: for
>> example, what if a broker crashed down? We might need propagate
>> bloom-filter bitset synchronously to other brokers having the same topics;
>> What if a new broker joins in the cluster and starts to serve? I do not
>> mean this is too complex to implement. Instead, this is a pretty
>> interesting topic and fancy feature to have. Alternatively, we might defer
>> eliminating duplicates to the consumption phase using kind of distributed
>> set. For sure, my proposing idea suffers the same challenges including
>> membership changes.
>> Guys of dev board, any insights on this issue?
>> Zhanhui Li
>> 在 2018年2月26日,上午2:47,Sohaib Iftikhar <sohaib1...@gmail.com> 写道:
>> Hi Zhanhui,
>> I have a doubt about these multiple keys. If I am wrong in any of the
>> assumptions I make please point it out.
>> If there is support for multiple keys I cannot see this in the code. The
>> class Message only stores a single key in the property map against the
>> property name "KEYS". Is this also done in the same ways as tags? That is
>> different keys are separated with ' || '? So basically as a user of the
>> producer API it is the user's responsibility to ensure that he separates
>> the different keys with the correct separator. I can see an obvious
>> problem
>> here. What if the key contains this special character ' || '? But maybe
>> this event is rare and hence this is not important. Could you point me to
>> some source/doc that explains this part? I was looking at the index
>> section
>> rocketmq-store but I have not been able to understand the indexing process
>> completely for now. I will keep reading the source to get a better idea.
>> Moving on to the implementational details. Here is a broad idea of one
>> possible way to approach it.
>> The attempt is to remove duplicate messages. In this issue, I would like
>> to
>> aim at eliminating duplicate messages at the producer/broker end. For now,
>> we do not concern ourselves with the duplicate messages happening due to
>> unwritten consumer offsets as these two issues have different solutions.
>> One way to solve this problem at the producer/broker end could be to have
>> a
>> distributed key store that stores the messages. We can make it
>> configurable
>> such that this distributed store stores all messages or works as a sliding
>> window keeping only the messages from the last X seconds specified by the
>> user. We can have a layer on top to check set membership such as a bloom
>> filter or a cuckoo filter (
>> https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dga/papers/cuckoo-conext2014.pdf) to help
>> performance. Every message being pushed in by a producer are checked in
>> first with the filter and in case of a positive result with this key
>> store.
>> If the message is found then it is discarded. This helps remove duplicates
>> completely from a producer perspective. The core of this idea is the
>> distributed key store which would be completely separate from the current
>> message storage. Since the concept of a distributed key store or a
>> key/value store is not novel there are two ways to this.
>> 1. Implement it ourselves. This would be high effort but no external
>> dependencies.
>> 2. Use a key-value store such as Redis (which already has timeouts and
>> persistence but a large memory footprint) or some other disk-based storage
>> for set membership. This would include an external dependency but
>> development time will reduce significantly for such a solution.
>> I am inclined towards implementing it by myself as this would avoid
>> dependencies on other products especially since RocketMQ is currently a
>> self-reliant system. In addition, my past experience with building such a
>> store should also come in handy.
>> I would like to know the opinions of the development community on this
>> approach and to suggest improvements on it. Looking forward to your
>> responses to this.
>> ====<question unrelated to issue>=====
>> To increase my familiarity with the code base and to help prove that I am
>> familiar with the tools and technologies in place it would be great if I
>> could be pointed to some low effort issues that I could help out with. In
>> case there are no 'newbie' issues available I could help improve the
>> comments inside the codebase. I noticed some source files with no
>> explanations which can be documented via comments to help onboard a new
>> contributor faster.
>> ====</question unrelated to issue>=====
>> Thanks a lot for reading this through and looking forward to your
>> opinions.
>> Regards,
>> Sohaib
>> On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 11:50 AM, Zhanhui Li <lizhan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Sohaib,
>> Happy to know you are interested in RocketMQ.
>> First, let me answer questions you raised.
>> — can there be multiple tags?
>> No. At present, the storage engine allows single tag only. Subscriptions
>> are allowed to use combination of tags. The current model should meet your
>> business development. If not, please let us know.
>> — key (Similar question to above.)
>> RocketMQ builds index using message keys. A single message may have
>> multiple keys.
>> — About redundant message
>> From my understanding, you are trying to eliminate duplicate messages.
>> True there are various reasons which may cause message duplication,
>> ranging
>> from message delivery and consumption. Discussion on this topic is warmly
>> welcome.  Had you had any idea to contribute on this issue, the developer
>> board is happy to discuss.
>> Zhanhui Li
>> 在 2018年2月24日,上午11:17,Sohaib Iftikhar <sohaib1...@gmail.com> 写道:
>> My earlier email message seems to have gotten lost. So I will try again.
>> Please see the original message for the discussion.
>> Regards,
>> Sohaib Iftikhar
>> -- Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.--
>> On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 1:54 AM, Sohaib Iftikhar <sohaib1...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am interested in working on this issue (https://issues.apache.org/
>> jira/browse/ROCKETMQ-124) as part of GSOC-18. I have a few questions for
>> the same. I am not sure if this discussion needs to be on the JIRA
>> issue or
>> here. Feel free to correct me if this is the wrong platform. Also while
>> I
>> have worked with distributed pub-sub systems I am still fairly new to
>> Rocket-MQ so maybe my understanding of it is incorrect. I apologise if
>> that
>> is the case and would be happy to stand corrected.
>> Following are my questions:
>> 1. What defines a redundant message?
>>   The constructor that I see for a message is as follows:
>>   Message(String topic, String tags, String keys, int flag, byte[]
>> body,
>> boolean waitStoreMsgOK)
>>   Possible candidates to me are topic, tags (can there be multiple
>> tags?
>> I could not find an example for this. If yes how are they separated?),
>> keys
>> (Similar question to above.) and of course the body. Is there something
>> that I have missed in this? Is there something that we do not need to
>> consider?
>> 2. Is their a timeline on the redundant messages? What I mean by this is
>> that is there a time limit after which a message with similar content is
>> allowed. From what I gather there was no such thing mentioned. This
>> would
>> mean storing all the messages. Depending on the requirements this may or
>> may not be the best solution. It might be desirable that no duplicates
>> are
>> needed within a certain time window (sliding). This allows ignoring of
>> duplicate messages that were generated very close to each other (or in
>> the
>> window indicated). Depending on this requirement implementation may
>> become
>> a little bit more involved.
>> For now, these are the only questions. I have ideas that need review
>> about
>> possible implementations but I will mention them once the specifications
>> are clear to me. As an end question, I would at some point like to post
>> design ideas to this problem privately to get it reviewed by the
>> development community but not make it publicly available so that it
>> cannot
>> be plagiarised. What platform/method can I use to do that? Or is
>> submitting
>> a draft to the Google platform the only possible way to accomplish this?
>> Thanks a lot for reading this through and looking forward to your
>> inputs.
>> Regards,
>> Sohaib Iftikhar

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