My PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME does not point inside a flex-sdk repo.  It really
shouldn't.  We allowed it because some folks wanted to point to an Apache
Flex IDE configuration, but Apache Flex works fine when developing without
an IDE by pointing PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME elsewhere.  And that's safer since
you won't accidentally commit non-Apache bits.

In Royale, I think we need to change the build to not need a flex-sdk repo
at all and treat Apache Flex as an upstream dependency and work from the
latest releases.

My 2 cents,

On 9/28/17, 8:45 AM, "Erik de Bruin" <> wrote:

>> That path to playerglobal should not be in flex-sdk.
>I was talking about the path in the PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME environment
>That must point to the Flex SDK directory, but in the current procedure in
>the READme, that doesn't exist yet. I'm rewriting the READme (and adding
>helper targets in build.xml) to make the task of  a dev-ready Royale
>install a bit more streamlined.
>Ix Multimedia Software
>Jan Luykenstraat 27
>3521 VB Utrecht
>T. 06-51952295

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