I can reproduce it.  Looking into it.


On 10/25/17, 10:22 PM, "Yishay Weiss" <yishayj...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Can you put an fxp somewhere so I can have a look?
>From: Idylog - Nicolas Granon<mailto:ngra...@idylog.com>
>Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2017 1:05 AM
>To: dev@royale.apache.org<mailto:dev@royale.apache.org>
>Subject: RE: Apache Royale 0.9 setup
>I had only one namespace reference (it is a very small project!).
>Changed it as you say.
>Same result (same errors and autocomplete not working at all)
>Also noticed that syntax checking is not working anymore.
>Clearly, IDE is missing some link to syntax definitions...
>(tries to "clean project" : same result)
>(tries to close and reopen project : same result)
>(tried to close and restart IDE : same result)
>Also, there was a "flex-typedefs" folder in flexJS 0.8 but no such folder
>0.9 (and no royale-typedefs).
>Nicolas Granon
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : Peter Ent [mailto:p...@adobe.com.INVALID]
>> Envoyé : mercredi 25 octobre 2017 23:40
>> À : dev@royale.apache.org; ngra...@idylog.com
>> Objet : Re: Apache Royale 0.9 setup
>> Hi,
>> Yes - change all "flex" and "flexjs" to "royale". So the namespace will
>> have "ns.apache.org/royale/basic".
>> ‹peter
>> On 10/25/17, 5:35 PM, "Idylog - Nicolas Granon" <ngra...@idylog.com>
>> wrote:
>> >Hi Alex,
>> >
>> >After downloading "apache.royale-jsonly-0.9.0-bin.zip" and unzipping,
>> >the "root" directory was accepted by flashbuilder as a SDK directory.
>> >
>> >However my "stub" project now gives the following compile errors :
>> >"internal error in file scope builder subsystem when generating (path
>> >to my project base mxml file) : java.lang.nullpointerexception
>> Followed
>> >by two other errors (internal error in outgoing dependency subsystem
>> >and internel error in syntax tree subsystem)
>> >
>> >Also, auto completion does not work anymore (I have deleted old
>> imports
>> >like "import org.apache.flex.html.alert" because I suspected that the
>> >"flex.html.alert" path was obsolete, but now, Flashbuilder cannot find
>> >Alert through autocomplete and thus cannot automatically insert the
>> >correct import statement. The same for all classes (autocomplete shows
>> >"no suggestion")
>> >
>> >Something is missing somewhere...!
>> >
>> >Should I modify the namespace declarations
>> >"xmlns:js="library://ns.apache.org/flexjs/basic" ??
>> >
>> >Nicolas Granon
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >> -----Message d'origine-----
>> >> De : Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com] Envoyé : mercredi 25
>> >> octobre 2017 23:04 À : dev@royale.apache.org; ngra...@idylog.com
>> >> Objet : Re: Apache Royale 0.9 setup
>> >>
>> >> Hi Nicolas,
>> >>
>> >> Yeah, we are still fixing bugs after trying to rename everything.  I
>> >> was able to start with:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapach
>> e
>> >>fle
>> >>xbuild.cloudapp.net%3A8080%2Fjob%2Froyale-asjs-
>> &data=02%7C01%7C%7C7f61
>> >>d36
>> >>9db0945440eae08d51bf04bf6%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%
>> 7
>> >>C63
>> >>6445641238635050&sdata=RJtXiuzNrCftM3HKUx7aWT1HS2X9szPLZd6DnwEhOtA%3D
>> &
>> >>res
>> >>erved=0
>> >> jsonly/lastSuccess
>> >> fulBuild/artifact/out/
>> >>
>> >> And rename royale-sdk-description.xml to flex-sdk-description.xml
>> and
>> >> change the closing tag to be flex-sdk-description and FB accepted
>> >> that as an SDK on my Mac.
>> >>
>> >> HTH,
>> >> -Alex
>> >>
>> >> On 10/25/17, 11:22 AM, "Idylog - Nicolas Granon"
>> <ngra...@idylog.com>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >I would like to setup a Apache Royale 0.9 environment.
>> >> >I do not want to build it, just get the bin distribution.
>> >> >I have FlashBuilder setup (Windows).
>> >> >I am not interested in SWF output, just JS.
>> >> >
>> >> >1. Where is the latest bin distribution ? On Jenkins there are
>> >> >"royale-asjs", "royale-asjs-only", "royale-asjs-rename" projects...
>> >> >Which is the correct one ?
>> >> >
>> >> >2. I have grabbed "apache-royale-0.9.0-bin.zip" from "royale-asjs-
>> >> rename".
>> >> >After unzipping, should I launch any ant task or is it "ready for
>> use"
>> >> ?
>> >> >
>> >> >3. I have noticed that in "royale-sdk-description.xml" (in the root
>> >> >dir) the opening tag (<flex-sdk-description>) and closing tag
>> >> >(</royale-sdk-description>) do not match
>> >> >
>> >> >4 In Flashbuilder, you cannot "install" the SDK (it did work with
>> >> >FlexJS v 0.8). youget the following error : "Directory does not
>> >> contain
>> >> >a Flex SDK".
>> >> >I have tried to copy and rename "royale-sdk-description.xml" as
>> >> >"flex-sdk-description.xml" and corrected the closing tag (now
>> >> ></flex-sdk-description>) but still no luck. What am I missing ?
>> >> >
>> >> >5 What about environment variables (Windows) ?
>> >> >
>> >> >Many thanks in advance
>> >> >
>> >> >Nicolas Granon
>> >> >
>> >
>> >

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