
On 11/7/17, 12:33 AM, "Harbs" <> wrote:

>>To me the "Later" problem is about how to sequential lines of
>> ActionScript/JavaScript don't get run sequentially in order for the
>> runtime to do some processing.  I don't understand how a bead can do
>> if the tests are written in a non-declarative language.
>Events. I’m making the assumption that all integration tests would be
>written inside a test bead. For example, layout testing could set some
>properties and then listen for layoutComplete to check that the layout
>was done correctly.

If the runner calls testBead.test(), the next line of code cannot check
for results.

  for (i = 0; i < numTests; i++) {
    if (testBead[i].failed) {
       // record failure

TestBead.test() cannot set up a listener for layoutComplete, because in
Flash and sometimes in the browser, the code may not fire layoutComplete
until the loop above finishes and gives the player or browser a chance to
render the screen (and thus determine the size and scroll parameters of a
TextField or Input element).

At least, that's my understanding.

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