I committed the change to the remove bead after running the MDLExample
with no errors in the browser console.

Hope this works!

On 12/11/17, 10:45 AM, "Piotr Zarzycki" <piotrzarzyck...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Hi Peter,
>If I remember correctly I was using those beads [1] and as
>- declared in CSS. You can take a look into the example
>With your solution where we are looking actually into the events from
>dataProvider, I just thought that code which creates item renderers is not
>needed in DynamicItemsRendererFactoryForArrayListData.
>Looking forward to the results of your investigation.
>Thanks, Piotr
>2017-12-11 16:29 GMT+01:00 Peter Ent <p...@adobe.com.invalid>:
>> In the PAYG world of Royale, we need to keep a number of features
>> so apps are not weighed down by unused code. I originally had a bead
>> refreshed all item renderers by deleting them from the DataGroup and
>> re-creating them. I also had a bead that just created itemRenderers on
>> demand when it detected an ItemAdded event. Likewise, a bead to remove
>> them on demand. To avoid duplicating code, I had the refresh bead look
>> the add bead and use it (there was a public function to create an
>> itemRenderer). This kept things very separate. However, the refresh bead
>> required the add bead so Alex suggested combining the two since there
>> really nothing being gained by the separation. Removal is considered an
>> "extra" since many apps do not need to remove things. I don't know if
>> that's really true, but it fits the PAYG model.
>> The ArrayList itself emits events. It is also a dataProvider that can be
>> used with a model. I find this to be confusing sometimes, but that's
>> me.
>> Piotr, I don't see how your original version of
>> DynamicItemsRendererFactoryForArrayListData could have worked since the
>> model does not dispatch ItemAdded events; only ArrayList (the model's
>> dataProvider) does that. In my tests, the DynamicŠData bead never
>> the event until I changed it.
>> Personally, I think the collection classes should emit their own events,
>> but when used within a model, the model should intercept them and
>> re-dispatch the events as their own. This would make writing beads
>> and we would not need as many variations that only differ by how the
>> dataProvider is accessed as all access to the dataProvider would go
>> through the model via a standard interface.
>> I will figure out why the removal bead is failing and then re-test with
>> MDL but I won't change anything else unless there is no other choice.
>> ‹peter
>> On 12/10/17, 2:53 PM, "piotrz" <pio...@apache.org> wrote:
>> >Hi Peter,
>> >
>> >Ok DynamicItemsRendererFactoryForArrayListData is now working
>> >Unfortunately I just tried DynamicRemoveItemRendererForArrayListData
>> >got
>> >NPE. This time dataProviderModel is being null
>> >
>> ><https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
>> http%3A%2F%2Fapache-ro
>> >yale-development.20373.n8.nabble.com%2Ffile%2Ft1%
>> 2Fdynamic_remove_null.png
>> >&data=02%7C01%7Cpent%40adobe.com%7C3e768dcacec447640aa208d54007
>> a62b%7Cfa7b
>> >1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0%7C0%7C636485323953316454&
>> sdata=iktsZuL5sc
>> >DNbJu26jprPRlwA3Zx0w%2FJVriETkMQLqo%3D&reserved=0>
>> >
>> >There is in general something wrong and I think there a bit more work.
>> >DynamicItemsRendererFactoryForArrayListData  now is different than
>> >DynamicRemoveItemRendererForArrayListData, cause the first on have
>> >which is not only adding item renderer, but also creates them which is
>> >present in the Remove version.
>> >
>> >In the other words DynamicItemsRendererFactoryForArrayListData it is
>> >IDataProviderItemRendererMapper. I think we should go with following
>> >changes.
>> >
>> >1) DynamicItemsRendererFactoryForArrayListData  - logic for creating
>> >renderers should be removed from that bead
>> >2) We should rename DynamicItemsRendererFactoryForArrayListData  to
>> >DynamicAddItemRendererForArrayListData
>> >3) For List, MDL Table, MDL Tabs and all things inherited from List
>> >as IDataProviderItemRendererMapper we should use:
>> >DataItemRendererFactoryForArrayData or
>> >DataItemRendererFactoryForSeriesArrayListData (use this to have all the
>> >advantages of above beads).
>> >
>> >What do you think ?
>> >
>> >If you will make above changes check all the MDL examples which have
>> >Tables etc. - Build MDLExample.
>> >
>> >Thanks, Piotr
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >--
>> >Sent from:
>> >https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=
>> http%3A%2F%2Fapache-roy
>> >ale-development.20373.n8.nabble.com%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cpent%40adobe.com
>> %7C3
>> >e768dcacec447640aa208d54007a62b%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178de
>> cee1%7C0%7C0
>> y
>> >A%3D&reserved=0
>Piotr Zarzycki

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