The whole point of the "release philosophy" thread is that we are trying
to re-program everyone's mentality towards shipping instead of not
shipping.  I agree we need to make the scripts work for other player
versions, but again, that can be done in the next release.

If you find a problem, don't just drop a -1 on the vote thread.  Discuss
it first to assess the impact of the problem, then decide how you want to
vote.  We want to release incrementally better releases more often than we
did in Flex and we can't do that if we keep dragging out the release.  If
we want to do a release every month, or even a sooner to help some
customer, if we have to run another RC 48 hours into the vote, we end up
almost doubling the time required to get the release out and seriously cut
into the window for doing other things between releases.


On 1/9/18, 8:45 AM, "Peter Ent" <> wrote:

>Yes, I can get 11.1, but 27.0 is in the apache-royale-0.9.0 IDE-compatable
>directory that got built with the installer script. It must have
>downloaded the latest playerglobal.swc at that time. Seems natural to use
>that rather than 11.1.
>On 1/9/18, 11:30 AM, "yishayw" <> wrote:
>>Peter, if you look in royale-asjs README isn't the following set of
>>instructions consistent with your results?
>>> ## Additional Prerequisites For SWF Output
>>> ### *playerglobal.swc*
>>> The Adobe Flash Player *playerglobal.swc* (version 11.1) can be
>>> from:
>>> &lt;
>>> &gt;
>>> First, create the following directory structure:
>>> *[root directory]/player/11.1/*
>>> Next, rename the downloaded SWC to '*playerglobal.swc*' and place it in
>>> the above directory.
>>Sent from: 

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