For what it’s worth, I removed x="{filterGrip.width}" and it  works the same. 
So it’s probably just legacy code.
From: Harbs<>
Sent: Wednesday, June 6, 2018 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [royale-asjs] branch develop updated: Fixes #258. But is that a 
proper fix?

I don’t think you realize the full extent of the effect. It’s not just “in 
case” someone wants x and y values. It’s also to *prevent the need* to specify 
x and y values which shouldn’t need to be specified.

Let’s take a piece of ProductsView in RoyaleStore:

        height="100%" width="100%"
            <js:OneFlexibleChildHorizontalLayout flexibleChild="spacer" />
        <productsView:Grip id="filterGrip" gripIcon="assets/icon_magnifier.png"
            gripTip="Show filter panel" click="currentState = 'showFilter'"/>

        <productsView:ProductFilterPanel x="{filterGrip.width}" y="0" 
id="filterPanel" width="265" height="100%"
            initComplete="if (catalog) filterPanel.filter.count = 

        <js:Spacer id="spacer" />

        <productsView:ProductCart id="cartPanel" width="265" height="100%" />

        <productsView:Grip id="cartGrip" gripIcon="assets/icon_cart_empty.png"
            gripTip="Show cart" click="currentState = 'showCart'" />


It’s using a flex layout. The flex layout should position the child elements. 
Unfortunately it doesn’t which is why we have the following code there:


Without that, the filterGrip space is not accounted for. This is because the 
default is static rather than relative. Changing the default to relative 
removes the necessity to specify an x position dependent on the sibling size.

I was forced to add similar code in my app.

We are also forced to add code to calculate offsetParent which is not PAYG both 
in terms of code and performance.

Simply put: static is a bad default. Default relative positioning gives more 
expected results in 99% of use cases and usually results in *less* code.

My $0.02,

> On Jun 6, 2018, at 7:37 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:
> Setting position:relative "just-in-case" someone needs to use x,y is not 

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